It's election time and you know what that means: 'Tis the season for quippy and annoying bumper stickers! And this will be the focus of the second installment of the Voting Booth for the 2012 election season. We're going to look at one bumper sticker that the Obama campaign is using, and two that are incredibly more accurate regarding some of their campaign strategies and platforms.
Here is the first:
When I first saw this bumper sticker I had three separate thoughts. First: If that's all the President has to show for his first four years then, boy, is he in trouble! Second: (And I can't take credit for this idea, nor can I credit the original analogy creator as my research has turned up several people saying it) Whomever created the following analogy hit the nail right on the head: "Barak Obama taking credit for killing Bin Laden is like Richard Nixon taking credit for the moon landing." Yes, this happened on your watch, no you can't take credit for it. Just like Grant couldn't take credit for the transcontinental railroad just because he was sitting in the Oval Office when they drove in the golden spike. If Obama wants to run for reelection on those laurels he might as well add "Kentucky is the NCAA Final Four Champion." It happened, and you watched it, but you didn't have a whole lot to do with it. Third: Why is President Obama celebrating a massive bailout of a huge corporation? Aren't some of his staunchest supporters the members of the "Occupy" movement who are constantly pontificating about the evil of giant corporations? Seems to me this should enrage his base supporters, not energize them!
Here is a bumper sticker that is much closer to the truth regarding what will happen if the President gets reelected:
The country is trillions of dollars in debt with no end in sight to the rampant spending! There will come a day in the very near future where we are borrowing more than we take in each year! And what's the President's solution? Raise taxes! And he claims that Romney will cost the government money by extending the "Bush-era" tax cuts. I believe that Philip Klein at The Examiner succinctly responded to this fuzzy math when he wrote: "to portray any tax cut as a cost to government is to assume that the government is the rightful owner of 100 percent of the wealth created in society, and that every dollar that isn't spent by government is somehow a giveaway." If Obamacare is not repealed (or at the very least made impotent through the availability of state level waivers) this country will be bankrupt by the end of Obama's second term. Recession? You ain't seen nothin' yet!
Here is a bumper sticker that exposes the bizarre thinking of some of the more religious citizens who are concerned about the faith of the President:
Today is the fourth National Day of Prayer for which Obama has been President. It also marks the fourth National Day of Prayer where the Executive Branch of the government was the only branch not to send a representative to "stand in the gap" at Washington D.C.'s Day of Prayer Assembly. The Legislative and Judicial Branches each sent someone to represent them and be prayed over. The Military sent someone to represent the armed forces. I believe the accusations that he is a Muslim are fear based and false, but people would rather support a man who is evasive (at best) about his faith because "at least he isn't a Mormon!"
When all is said and done, I'm sure President Obama would like to use this next bumper sticker but I'm afraid it won't get him into the White House this time: