As the election is today, I have a few, short thoughts that I need to get out before we vote. I will arrange them in an order that I feel is descending from most important to least:
If you read nothing else, read this! The election was days away. The economy was in shambles. The working classes were afraid of losing their jobs, they faced pay cuts, strike rumors swirled in the wind. The upper class was afraid that they were going to lose everything they'd worked so hard to save and create.
The election was a close one. The Democrat won the popular vote. It looked as though the Republican had won the Electoral College. But the outcome was unclear. After months of lawsuits, in late December, the Republican was awarded the White House.
Does it sound like I'm describing the 2000 election? I'm not...
During the uncertainty, the blue collar people began major sweeping strikes. Industry shut down. Riots broke out in Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, San Fransisco, and St Louis.
The new President had to make a decision: The upper class was calling for him to send in the national guard to subdue the rioters and break up the strikes. However, the army was spread so thin fighting a far off enemy, there may not have been enough soldiers to do the job. His second option: he could do nothing. Stand by, allow local authorities to take the necessary action against the rioters. Let capitalism decide how the strikes ended.
Had he chose the former, it would have simply aggravated the situation. Wisely, the Republican President chose the latter. He did nothing. He did not send in the National Guard, he did not aid the strikers or the companies, he did not pump money into the economy. He did one thing: He sent troops to keep the peace. He never sent troops to end the riots, only as peacekeepers once the riot was concluded. The economy rebounded.
Economists speculate that had he acted on behalf of
either party in the strikes, it would have simply prolonged the situation. They believe that had the President intervened, the economy would have struggled for at least two decades. Instead, it rebounded before the decade ended.
Am I prophesying about the 2008 election? No. All of this happened in 1876-1877. The President? Rutherford B. Hayes.
History repeats itself because we are no longer students of history.
Stock Market: The Media has been declaring this the worst economic downturn since the great depression. We are to believe that the country has
never faced this magnitude of crisis since we needed to elect a Democrat to three terms to get us out of it. Guess what... It just isn't true. Many of you know I work for a large financial company. Today, our CEO sent an internal message to the employees to assure them of the companies financial security. He said, rather offhandedly, that October was the 8th worst month for the stock market since 1930. The 8th! Not the first, not even in the top 5. EIGHTH! There have been nearly 80 years since 1930. That's almost one worse month per decade! But, remember, as the economy fell, so did voters to Obama. But the media isn't biased. I'm surprised they didn't try to call this the Greater Depression or Great Depression II: This time it's personal!
Expectations: Obama is already laying the ground work to
lower expectations of what he will and will not be able to do as President. Even
he recognizes that he can't do what he's promising! A woman at an Obama rally said, "I never thought this day would happen. I won’t have to work on puttin’ gas in my car. I won’t have to work at payin’ my mortgage. You know. If I help him [Obama], he’s gonna help me." Ridiculous. You read it here first. Should Obama win and unless something miraculous occurs, he will be a one term President.
Associations: Obama has repeatedly attempted to disassociate himself with four different people/organizations. ACORN, to which he gave $800,000.00. The felon
"Tony” Rezko. Bill Ayers, from whose
house he announced his candidacy for Senate. Due to this connection, Obama could not work for the FBI, CIA or NSA. But he can be President. He's distancing himself from the former CEO of Fannie Mae from whom he "didn't take financial advice." Rev Wright, whose church Obama attended for twenty years. To his own admission, he was there approximately twice a month. 2 times per month times 12 months per year is 24 times per year times twenty years is 480 sermons. But he didn't know Rev Wright was controversial. Either he's lying, or he thought the comment "The U.S of K.K.K.A" wasn't controversial. Obama even said, "I will not repudiate the man [Rev Wright]." Another example of his brilliant rhetoric: "
Repudiate:" To reject the validity or authority of; To reject as unfounded, untrue, or unjust. Obama chooses a word most people don't actually know to tell the truth in a very veiled way that sounds honest and respectful.
Prediction: Since 1936, With one exception in history, how the Washington Redskins go the weekend before the election,
so goes the incumbent party. When the Redskins lose, there is a change in party in the White House. When they win, the incumbent party keeps the Executive Office. (The exception? Their 2004 loss to Green Bay, yet George W Bush remained in office.) As I type this, Washington leads Pittsburgh 6-0. Not a good result for McCain. Pittsburgh rallied to win 23-6.
A few notable quotables:"for the first time in my, really, adult lifetime, I'm really proud of my country" Michelle Obama
"Mark my words, it will not be six months before the world will test Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. We are going to have a crisis, an international crisis to test the mettle of this guy." Joe Biden
So, in conclusion, what does this country really need? A politically inexperienced lawyer who studied under a racist hate monger and partnered with known terrorists while exercising his blind ambition for higher and higher offices. One whose economic plans have been proven by previous administrations not to stimulate the economy, but stifle it, the exact opposite of what history had taught regarding his opponent's policies. Yeah, that's what we need.
Don't forget!
Neverfindout.orgNow go vote!