~President Barak Obama on the National Debt.>
This is a very good analogy, but he didn't finish it. Here's the rest of the analogy:
"As soon as they stand up you realize that you don't have your wallet! You can't pay for your meal, let alone what this irresponsible person who just left ordered. So what do you do? You order a lobster, caviar, and the house specialty. And to wash it all down? A 100 year old bottle of brandy. Then when the tab comes in, you point to the person who ordered the steak and say, 'Well, he started it.'"
The premise of his original analogy is that the irresponsibility of the first party excuses the irresponsibility of the second. And not just similar irresponsibility, but excessive and boarder-line obscene irresponsibility on the part of the second party.
On the right is a graph of the National debt from 1940 through 2011. Take a look at how this president has exponentially increased the national debt in his single term! (click on the image for a larger view)
What can we see from this graph? We borrowed for WWII. Then Carter and Reagan started the modern practice of over spending. Bush I continued it. Clinton leveled it off. Bush II built a skyscraper. And Obama sent it to the moon!
There are lots of things that this country needs to be worried about right now: The environment, Equal Rights, Terrorism, and Healthcare to name a few. But the most pressing, the most important, the one that needs to take top billing is the massive budget deficit and the monstrous national debt. We cannot continue to exist borrowing 43 cents of every dollar that the US Government spends!
If Obama wants to be taken seriously, he needs to stop trying to justify is adolescent-like spending by continuing to blame the previous administration and do the responsible thing with the national budget. I know the old saying goes "Dance with the one that brought you" and the "Blame Bush" mantra got him into the White House but now it's old, stale, and worn out. Let's try something new.