Thursday, June 14, 2012

2012 Voting Booth Vol. III

"It's like somebody goes to a restaurant, orders a big steak dinner, martini all that stuff ... And then, just as you're sitting down ... they leave ... and accuse you of running up the tab."
        ~President Barak Obama on the National Debt.

This is a very good analogy, but he didn't finish it. Here's the rest of the analogy:

"As soon as they stand up you realize that you don't have your wallet! You can't pay for your meal, let alone what this irresponsible person who just left ordered. So what do you do? You order a lobster, caviar, and the house specialty. And to wash it all down? A 100 year old bottle of brandy. Then when the tab comes in, you point to the person who ordered the steak and say, 'Well, he started it.'"

The premise of his original analogy is that the irresponsibility of the first party excuses the irresponsibility of the second. And not just similar irresponsibility, but excessive and boarder-line obscene irresponsibility on the part of the second party.

On the right is a graph of the National debt from 1940 through 2011. Take a look at how this president has exponentially increased the national debt in his single term! (click on the image for a larger view)

What can we see from this graph? We borrowed for WWII. Then Carter and Reagan started the modern practice of over spending. Bush I continued it. Clinton leveled it off. Bush II built a skyscraper. And Obama sent it to the moon!

Perhaps this is an easier way to understand the situation:

There are lots of things that this country needs to be worried about right now: The environment, Equal Rights, Terrorism, and Healthcare to name a few. But the most pressing, the most important, the one that needs to take top billing is the massive budget deficit and the monstrous national debt. We cannot continue to exist borrowing 43 cents of every dollar that the US Government spends!

If Obama wants to be taken seriously, he needs to stop trying to justify is adolescent-like spending by continuing to blame the previous administration and do the responsible thing with the national budget. I know the old saying goes "Dance with the one that brought you" and the "Blame Bush" mantra got him into the White House but now it's old, stale, and worn out. Let's try something new.


Jenna said...

Do you think Mitt is a good (debt-reducing, for the people, etc) alternative to Obama?

Marc said...

Without a doubt. He has the business experience necessary to right the ship. If any business were run like the Federal government they'd need a bailout every 4 years! Romney has made the tough choices in the past and will be able to do so again in order to get our fiscal feet back under us.

L Lomasky said...

If we look at debt as a function of government deficit per dollar of GDP, FDR was the worst by far. You are right though. Obama has created so many new bureaucracies (111 for Obama are alone!) That he has doomed our country to enormous, long-term, unfunded liability. Federal benefits never show up as part of our debt, but it is a liability that we take upon ourselves today that our kids end up paying for in twenty or thirty years when the people retire and continue drawing a paycheck for life. I'm not saying that pensions are a bad thing, but every effort should be made to keep the number and size of Federal agencies to a minimum.

Marc said...

I couldn't agree more, Lou! Not to mention the American people are worried about what programs and bureaucracies we're going to under-fund or cut just to balance the budget. This completely ignores what we're going to have to do to pay back this debt! It's not like it's just going to go away. The government shouldn't just make minimum payments for the next four thousand years. One of my main concerns is that "the borrower is slave to the lender" so to whom is our country beholden for all this cash we've been borrowing?!

Marc said...

Oh, Jenna, I missed the "For the people" part of your comment.

I'm not worried about him being "for the people." "The people" are the ones who created this mess. He's gotta be "for the stability of the nation" or it won't matter how "for the people" he is or isn't.

There is a time for balance regarding finances and programs. That time has passed. We erred for so long on the side of programs that we need to err on the side of fiscal responsibility for a while.

2-10 said...

Hey... it's been awhile since I've read your blog. I came here because I saw that you are my one my friends who like Ron Paul on facebook! You are automatically cooler for that. ;) I heard Ron Paul speak in Madison a few months ago, but even more exciting was that I just went to the Illinois Republican state convention as a state delegate. We were to vote on platform issues and elect at-large delegates to the National Convention for Ron Paul, among other things. The convention was basically a love fest for Mitt, save for the hundreds of Ron Paul delegates that were shut out of multiple votes. It was such a frustrating experience as a delegate, but encouraging at the same time to see glimpses of the party changing before my eyes. Otherwise at this point, both parties are all about Big Government; they just have different ways to go about doing it. Change will not come from the top down. I don't care who sits in the White House. Flip a coin, Romney or Obama -- same difference. Change will come from those liberty loving patriots already working in their local political positions and gaining more influence everyday. It really started to take off 4 years ago and it has grown exponentially since then. In some ways it seems like it is just beginning. Bring on Tampa. Bring it.

2-10 said...

The Illinois Republican Party elite in all their shameful glory:

Sarah S said...

I never noticed how much George W looks like George Washington.