Friday, October 21, 2005

You can't do that! You're only 16!

Our society (and by that I mean the people whose job it is to create the laws of the land (and by that I mean the legislature (and by that I mean not the courts))) needs to decide what age is the age of adulthood. Here's why:

Some of you may have heard about the woman who was murdered in the trailer on the land where she and her husband were having a house built. Turns out the primary suspect to this crime is a 16 year old guy.

The article that I read said that he was too young to face the death penalty for delivering this beating to this woman. First, let me say a few things: 1) he has not been convicted, so this argument is not about this specific case, but the law in general. 2) I do not necessarily endorse the death penalty. In fact, right now at this very moment, I am against it. But hear me out.

In a previous post, I complained that an entire article was about a supreme court candidate's stance on abortion. While researching that post, I came across some laws that said that in some states a 16 year old does not require parental permission to have an abortion. They don't even need to give the child's parents notification of the event! Yet this 16 year old who has committed murder is too young to be considered an adult?

At 16 you can drive, but at 18 you can vote on the laws that effect your driving. At 18 you can go to war, but at 21 you can drink away your sorrows. 16 you can quit school without parental permission, but you can work full time at 18.

What is going on!? Shouldn't we perhaps pick one age where you are no longer under your parent's supervision? At 18 you are allowed to have consensual sex and have an abortion without telling your folks. At 18 you can drink and then drive with your new (soon to be revoked) license. At 18, if you kill someone, your life could be forfeit.

We contradict ourselves so often with our laws! Let's get them straight! After all, it's just my Opinion.


Christina Dunigan said...

Good points. I've linked to you in my latest Blog Roundup.

Anonymous said...

Dude, I can't even give a 17 year old kid a tylonol without parental consent (same with the schools) ... but a 14 year old girl can get an abortion without anyone knowing it. It's very messed up.