Friday, February 03, 2006

Solidarity in Europe...

... while Muslims claim that there is "something rotten in Denmark."

I was saddened to learn that the publication of a cartoon depiction of Muhammad in a Danish newspaper sparked protests and threats of violence from the Muslim world. Saddened, mind you, not surprised.

I was surprised, however, to learn that several other European nations are showing their support for the freedom of the press by reprinting these cartoons in their newspapers. This is a remarkable display of unity in Europe.

Of course, those in the Islamic world are even more outraged. Many countries have removed their diplomats from Copenhagen and the Danish government has evacuated their embassies in parts of the Middle East. (Of course, removing diplomats from countries where they are not threatened does nothing save put your citizens in that country at risk. If a Iranian citizen needs help in Denmark they have no embassy to go to...)

(Don't get me wrong, Christians love to play the "most persecuted group" card all the time. "How dare you depict Kanye West as though he were Christ." "The book of Daniel is blasphemous and must be taken off TV." But I think it goes further than that with this situation. I don't think most people assume that if Christians are protesting there will be violence. It's nearly expected for Islamic protests at this point.)

A German paper commented that "perhaps their protests would be taken more seriously if they were not so hypocritical. A Muslim publication depicted Rabbis as cannibals and the Imams were silent."

Does anyone see any parallels between this and the Nazis pre WWII? Does anyone see the elitist nature of their viewpoint? Somehow they are far more worthy of consideration than other races/nations/ethnicities? Don't print a cartoon of our prophet but we'll call for the destruction of the Jews. Don't blaspheme our religion but we'll decapitate people and video it for all to see. Don't try to force your culture on us but you better become a Muslim or we'll kill you.

There was another point that was made in a European paper that I found interesting, especially as one who desires to live outside of the US. How much does an immigrant need to assimilate into the culture? How much does a culture need to cater to the immigrant? I hope to learn the language and the culture of whatever country in which my family and I will reside. Are the Muslims living in Denmark requiring too much of their host country? Is Denmark being too inhospitable to the people who have chosen to live in their nation? Does what Denmark prints in their paper have anything to do with Saudi Arabia? These are perhaps the most intriguing questions raised by this situation.

No one likes to be offended, especially when it comes to religion whose roots spread deep in the life of the believer. But I personally believe that if you are going to reside in a country or area that is known to be anti-whatever-you-are, you shouldn't be surprised or upset when you get offended. If a Jew lives in Palestine they shouldn't be expected to be a special interest group that gets any special interest!

But that's just my opinion!

1 comment:

Marc said...

Let me get this straight. The cartoon that you are protesting is one of Muhammad with a bomb in his turban. You are saying that Islam is not a violent religion. And to prove this you burn down the Danish Embasy? Hmm...