Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Ooo. Today's date is so scary. There are some that are taking advantage of this date:

The Omen opens today. This is a remake (What a surprise! Is there anything original coming out of Hollywood these days?) of the original The Omen. The Anti-Christ is born, people die, blah blah blah. Have you heard the tag line for this film? Close your eyes and... wait, you can't read if you do that. So, keep your eyes open and hear in your head that grizzled movie voice doing the "this is a horror movie" trailer. Here's what he says: "Evil..." (dramatic pause) "... has a birthday." GAG!

But evil isn't the only one using today's date. There's a book that has a national release date today: "The Rapture" by Jerry Jenkins and Tim LaHaye is the third book in their prequel series entitled "Before They Were Left Behind." This series chronicles the lives of the main characters from their 12 book "Left Behind" series. Can we say: "beating a dead horse?" How about: "Anything for the money?" Let's try: "Who is buying this crap?!" Thankfully, this tired book leads right into the first of their terrible series and the world ends in book 12 of it so there can be no more. Unless they feel the need to publish a "Prior to Before They Were Left Behind." (Don't miss the first installment of this 40 book series due out in August!)

There was a pregnant woman so concerned about if her child would be born on this date that she had herself induced before it to make certain it didn't happen!

Why are we so superstitious? Friday the 13th. 06/06/06. My mother didn't want her children born on Halloween or Veterans Day. My brother's birthday is November 11th. That always makes me chuckle.

It's not as though God is going to do anything based on man's arbitrary calendar. Look, you're still here reading this. There's my proof. Will my generation live to see Christ's return? Will my son's? Somehow, I doubt it.

On a brief side note: I was watching a program on the end of the world on ITV (Formerly Pax) and they were asking lots of questions regarding today's events and Biblical prophesies. "Could this be the fulfillment of [insert questionable interpretation here] spoken of in Isaiah?" Funny, the writers of the Dead Sea Scrolls were asking the same questions. Their answers were yes, too.

Modern Christians are way too focused on the end of the world and not focused on the now of the world. We are looking to the horizon to see if Christ is coming while our brothers are starving next to us. Yes, Christ will return. And I bet he'd be happier to find us feeding the hungry, clothing the poor, and tending to the sick than gazing in his general direction. When the master returns, let's be busy working for him, not looking for him!


Anonymous said...

Jenkins could always do a "Now that we've been left behind and experienced Jesus' return, let's do a series on life in Heaven" - wouldn't that be tacky?!

If a person hopes that Jesus won't return during their lifetime becuase they want the opportunity to have a family and watch them grow, are they a bad Christian?

Marc said...

No, they are not a bad Christian. (I know you ask these questions hoping to incite...)

The issue would be that what they would experience if Jesus did return would be so much more amazing than raising a family and watching them grow.

My mother says, "Jesus can't come back yet, I haven't cleaned up my basement." Sometimes she's kidding. Sometimes she's not.

tek1024 said...

Funny you should post about this date. :)

Anonymous said...

No, for a change I was NOT trying to start shit. I was really curious because that's how I feel.

Marc said...

Sorry. Yeah, I'd say it's about faith. Faith that being with God will be so much more amazing than anything we could experience here on Earth.

Marc said...

This comment is in memory of the young child Elijah, who was born on this date and killed in Hartford at the hands of his babysitter.