Thursday, July 13, 2006

A Congress full of cowards

I am so sickened by the "lawmakers" of Massachusetts. I put their title in quotes because they have not only allowed thier position to be usurped by the courts, but when they are given an opportunity to be the check and balance for that radical, power grabbing branch of the state government, they flee in terror!

For we've been waiting for them to vote on the Constitutional Amendment to ban same sex marriage in the state for quite some time. When the day finally arrived, they voted. They voted to postpone the vote.

Maybe they just needed more time. Maybe they wanted to find out what the people they were representing wanted. Maybe they were yellow.

They postponed the vote until just after the November elections! They didn't want to offend their constituents by actually voting on this issue! (A note to Janitors and the second half of Team Juloa: This is just another proof that the government is only out for self preservation. Why won't they vote on this? They want to get re-elected. They can say whatever they want to get the votes in November, then vote however they please right after. And they'll vote very soon after the elections so there is as much time between the vote and the next elections as possible. End Note) I don't even really care which way they vote! Look, put your Nikes (c) on and just to it!

Actually, if they listened to their constituents, they'd put the issue before the people of the state. Let the people decided if they want marriage to be defined as a union between one man and one woman or not. I mean if they are going to be cowards then they might as well chicken out all the way and not give the appearance that they are going to make a law. Put it on a ballot. Decide the law that way.

They've allowed the courts make laws, why not actually let the people make a few.

I am now announcing my voting plan for the upcoming elections. If your name has the term "Incumbent" next to it, you will not receive my vote. I encourage others to do the same. If this session of Congress is too afraid to vote, we'll be sure to replace them with people who aren't.

Once again, just my opinion.

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