Friday, July 21, 2006

Lebanon's Prime Minister Fouad Siniora's speech, full of "his-bull-ah"

In his recent speech, the Prime Minister of Lebanon whined that his nation was too weak to get Hezbollah under control. Boo Hoo. Woe is me. Please help. He acts as though he had no idea that they were in his country. There are six members in his Parliament!

So, just whose responsibility is Hezbollah? Lebanon's, that's who. I don't care how much he cries and whines. And if Lebanon can't control their own people? Israel has every right to protect themselves.

I see it like this: My neighbor has a dog. A big vicious dog that even my neighbor has become afraid of. The dog attacked me. First, I say to my neighbor, "Control your dog." When he fails, I take care of the dog. Now, in this fictional situation, the right thing to do is call the authorities and have them send in the animal control officer. I suppose in our real life situation, that would be the UN. We all know how effective the UN is, don't we?

Well, if the animal control officer is too chicken to do something about it, or if the officer comes out and announces that he will be withholding my neighbor's mail until he does something about the dog, I'm going in.

The problem with the "animal control officer" is that he knows everyone in town. And he has to listen to what they have to say. I think that for the "ACO" to be effective, if you have a rabid, dangerous animal on your property and most of the other people in town know about it, you no longer have a say in what the "ACO" does. Otherwise, the "ACO" is deadlocked and can't ever get anything done!

This is why my neighbors Lebanon, North Korea, Iran, France (just because), Sudan, Iraq (before Operation Iraqi Freedom), Syria, and Saudi Arabia should not be allowed to talk to the "ACO." Maybe then he could actually do something about the problems that are before him!

I wish the world would listen to just my opinion.


Anonymous said...

You moron. Read the history of the nation and the region before you make ignorant posts. Anyone reading this should do the same before forming an opinion.

Anonymous said...

Remember that Hizb will stop firing rockets if Israel stops attacking Lebanon.

Hizb will disarm, if the occupied Sheb'a farms area is returned to Lebanon (or the UN for the time-being).

Hizb will return the two captured soldiers when a prisoner exchange agreement is arranged.

This is not about Israel's existence.

This is not about a war on terror.

For an idea of George Bush's motives, see

Marc said...

You moron, have some stones and put a name on your comments.

Normally, I don't respond to "anonymous" posts, but yours is so stupid I feel the need to:

You tell me what happened first? Did Israel fire upon Hezbollah or did Hezbollah abduct Israeli soldiers? Has Hezbollah been waiting with baited breath for a reason to attack Israel with their Iranian provided weapons?

There is a major difference between the following:

Hezbollah indiscriminately firing rockets into heavily residential areas known to be full of civilians and Israel attacking strategic military targets that Hezbollah has put in heavily residential areas so it can look like the Israelis are firing on civilians.

Next, a sovereign nation holding prisoners who belong to a terrorist organization bent on that countries destruction and a terrorist organization kidnapping uniformed soldiers!

So this is about the Sheb'a farms? The ones that Israel has had since 1967? Funny, Lebanon hasn't been complaining too much for 40 years! What sparked it now? I'm so glad that desolate area is worth thousands of lives.

check your facts, moron. If it's anybody's land it's Syria's.

In regard to your comments on "Bush's motives": I don't much care what right wing evangelicals believe. Any follower of Christ should see God at work in all circumstances for the culmination of His Kingdom. It has nothing to do with a "war on evil" or a "religious war against Islam." This is an opportunity for Christians to show God's love to those who need it. Those who have been forced to leave their homes because of (according to your comments) greedy land grabbers.

Are you telling me that all of the Lebanese and Israeli civilians deserve to die so that Lebanon can own the Sheb'a farms?

Why would Israel believe that giving the land to Hezbollah would end the fighting? Look what happened to them with the Gaza strip. They willingly and unilaterally (what an evil word) gave that back to the Palestinians and the Palestinians viewed it as a "victory" and was encouraged to "escalate violence against Israel." Until they were "wiped off the map."

In conclusion: If your contention is correct (which I strongly doubt) then Hezbollah is willing to trade the lives of Israeli and Lebanese civilians for this piece of useless land! Israel hasn't messed with Hezbollah until they were forced to rescue their soldiers and protect their citizens. While I hope the hostilities end soon, I cannot support Hezbollah in this scenario and I still believe Israel has a right to defend herself.

If the UN is such a great organization they should be able to garner a diplomatic solution. Oh wait, I forgot, Hezbollah isn't part of the UN because they are a terrorist organization that blinds the people of the nation they are hiding in with bread and circuses.

If you are man enough to respond, put a name on it.