Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Bonds, Pigs, Mayors...

Hurray! This post won't be nearly as long as the previous one. I've only three subjects to cover: Sports, a suggestion, and a logical conclusion.

Sports: As much as it annoys me, this sports section is yet again regarding Barry "Massive Noggin" Bonds (Anyone surprised he plays for the "Giants"?), however it is not about him. Allow me to explain. ESPN (not my employer) celeb Stuart Scott has repeatedly defended the cheater saying that there has been no proof that he actually has cheated. "Innocent until proven guilty" has been his mantra. Well, to that I would remind Mr. Scott (Who currently attends the church I grew up in) that Barry was suing the authors of "Game of Shadows." This is the book that used sealed court documents that were leaked to the authors who chronicled Barry's use of illegal (in regards to both the law of the land and the rules of the game) steroids and other performance enhancers. Now, if Mr. Bonds did not use these substances, he ought to sue for slander and liable. He did not. He sued because they were using sealed court documents. How interesting. His suit does not lead one to believe that their claims were false, but rather added credibility to them! After Mr. Bonds read my post: Dryer Lint, he realized that to sue for slander (meaning that the book was in error in its accusations) meant that he would be perjuring himself and would face jail time, but to sue for improper use of court documents was proving the book to be true and he faced a Pete Rosian punishment, he dropped wisely his suit. While Mr. Scott can ignore these facts as circumstantial, he cannot avoid the comments of Mr. Dan Parsons of Bellingham Washington who wrote into ESPN the Magazine. He writes, "Stuart Scott seems not to understand that "innocent until proven guilty" applies to criminal proceedings only. And to suggest that proof requires a confession or a "positive test" is ridiculous (many criminals would love that standard.) If Barry Bonds is charged with a crime, he will be presumed innocent until he is found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. If he faces civil charges, the standard of proof will be a "preponderance of the evidence" (think 51%). But even if he never faces an actual judge, the court of public opinion has seen ample evidence to find that Bonds is a cheater." Said much better than I ever could have. I'd also like to remind Mr. Scott that a "reasonable" doubt is not beyond a "Shadow" of a doubt. Barry should face a judge. I have no idea why celebrities like Barry and Paris get special treatment but it is time for that, and for Barry's career, to come to a swift end.

Reason behind the Rhyme? We are all familiar with the little piggies. This one went to market, this one stayed home, etc. I submit to you that this rhyme is actually an anti-Communist pro-capitalist piece of propaganda. Consider this: What if Piggies 1 and 3 were the same piggy? And similarly, what if 2 and 4 also were not two different swine? The rhyme (which, as I now review it in my head, does not actually rhyme) would take on a much different feel. "This little piggy went to market." "Market," is, of course, a widely accepted symbol of capitalism, the free market, the world market, laise faire market, even the stock market. "This little piggy stayed home." Well, if he didn't go to market, if he did not embrace capitalism, he must have selected an alternate economic theory. Perhaps Socialism, but if this is propaganda, it is more likely to be aimed at communism. Back to Piggy 1-3: "This little piggy had roast beef!" Obviously a symbol of wealth and prosperity. This little piggy did not have Spam or even corned beef. No no, he got roast beef! He is basking the fruits of his decision to go to market. Meanwhile, Piggy 2-4 "Got none." Alternatively, he suffers the consequences of not going to market. He does not get the succulent roast beef that the other piggy so lavishly enjoys. The final piggy, the one who "Cried wee wee wee wee wee, all the way home." Is a piggy who is apparently choosing a stance of isolation, similar to the one that America held in the early days of World War II. He is running far from the other two piggies in the hopes that he can wait it out in the safety of his home.

Politics: The Mayor of New Haven Connecticut needs to be arrested. John DeStephano has gone too far in his desire to shield the illegal immigrants in his city from the law. He has, without question, conducted himself in a manner that is a bald-faced attempt to aid and abet and obstruct justice. What has he done? First, he has forced a bill through the city legislature providing "anyone" with photo IDs so that they can take advantage of the services of the city. While anyone may purchase these cards, they are completely unnecessary if you have a drivers license which means only those who are unable to attain a valid drivers license will be in line to receive these cards. It's been no secret that these cards have been specifically designed for illegals (I'll not even add the term immigrant onto the end of their title as that belittles the efforts of honest people to lawfully immigrate into this country). When the bill was passed, there was much celebration outside the government building with shouts of "Yes, we can!" ~ In Spanish, of course. (Anyone else feel like we are being invaded?) Opponents of the bill don't mention the fact that most of the people who will be carrying these cards are felons, they raise the equally valid concern that, with New Haven being the first city in the nation to offer this type of unlawful identification, illegals will now flock to the city and bleed it dry. These cards do nothing more than attempt to provide a safe haven in New Haven for people who brazenly ignore our country's laws. On count one: Aiding and abetting, Mayor John DeStephano is guilty. A few days following the passing of this law and before any illegals could get their government issued IDs (Which will make it easier to obtain drivers licenses which make it possible to attain other benefits they have no lawful right to) the Feds paid a visit to New Haven and rounded up 32 illegals. The Mayor was outraged, calling this a political move. Pardon? Arresting 32 felons is political? What ought we do with felons, then, Mr. Mayor? Let them roam free? What was your little "ID cards for all" campaign? Altruism? There wasn’t a shred of politics behind it? Well, a day or so later 2 more illegals were arrested. What did the Mayor do then? He demanded that the Feds cease and desist. He announced, "Do not conduct any more raids!" Why not?! And who are you Mr. Mayor of New Haven CT to tell the Feds what they can and cannot do while enforcing Federal laws? Perhaps you might want to look up the term "Jurisdiction." You have none over them. Get out of their way and let them do their job. Count two: Obstruction of Justice, Mayor John DeStephano is guilty. He can join his political buddies the former Mayor of Bridgeport and the former Governor of Connecticut in the big house. You are the Mayor, you are to uphold the law. You don't create it, you aren't over it, and you don't speak it into being!

Can you tell that I've been fuming over that for weeks?! Well, now that it's off my chest, I must confess: It is all just my opinion.


mindful mama said...

"'Yes, we can!' ~ In Spanish of course. (Anyone else feel like we are being invaded?)"

Who is "we?" Non immigrants? White, non Hispanics lucky enough to be born in the U.S.? Or just people who speak English instead of Spanish?

Sorry, I don't feel like "we" (whoever that is) are being invaded. Um, no, not the last time I checked. Seriously, do you??? SERIOUSLY. Tell us how you REALLY feel about immigrants, or better yet, Spanish speaking immigrants.

Over 30% of my high school was Hispanic and I felt secure that "they" weren't out to take over the whole school. In my 4 years there, "we" (whoever that is) were never invaded. :P


"With New Haven being the first city in the nation to offer this type of unlawful identification, illegals will now flock to the city and bleed it dry."

Flock to the city? From where?? Better watch out... do you really think there is a countless mass of people scheming and planning their way to none other than New Haven, Connecticut from the four corners of the earth? These people must be pretty powerful to bleed a whole American city dry! Watch out if they happen to speak Spanish too...cuz "they" may very well invade the city while they're at it!!!

Marc said...

How do I feel about immigrants? I think immigrants are wonderful. These are people who respect our nation so much that they are willing to jump through the hoops that we require, deal with red tape and work their way in. Illegals, on the other hand, I have no respect for. These are people who so disrespect our nation that their first act is a felony. Most immigrants want to become citizens the lawful way, they don't think it is their right, or that they deserve it. They view it as an honor, a privelege. Most illegals feel that citizenship ought to be bestowed upon them simply because they are here. And if you want to tell me that it's not most, I'll tell you that it's the vocal ones who are making these demands. So, Spanish speaking immigrants are more than welcome. Spanish speaking illegals are not.

Flock to New Haven from other parts of CT. There is already an estimation of over 1000 illegals in the city who don't pay taxes, who don't put anything into the services from which they are receiving benifits. If other illegals from Bridgeport, Hartford, Waterbury, Danbury, etc head to New Haven then, yes, they could bleed the cities services dry. New Haven is one of the smallest cities in CT. Bridgeport or Hartford might (might) be able to handle the numbers that New Haven is expecting, but New Haven can't.

And, yes, if you are coming to America: Learn the language. I'll be learning the language of whatever country the Lord sends my family to. It's a simple courtesy that certain people (illegals) ignore. They'd rather that we cater to them by having Spanish everywhere. Obey our laws and we'll talk about it.

Unknown said...

You seem to be making a rather bold and general statement that all illegal immigrants head to America with the idea and intention of becoming an illegal immigrant. Do you think any one really wants to be an illegal immigrant, to be looked down upon with so much distaste and judgement? No. It is more likely that an immigrant has come for school, or for a specific job opportunity, or perhaps is fleeing some terrible situation in their home country. And then, well, one thing leads to another and their papers didn't get renewed, or whatever. The problem? Maybe now they have a life in America, maybe now they can't return home to their home country.

Tell me something. Am I disrespecting Kenyans by not successfully learning swahili? I am trying (lessons one day a week) but for some of us it is just not an easy task -- and respect and disrespect are irrelevant issues in the manner.

Tell me something else -- how would Jesus handle the situation of illegal immigrants in America?

And, on a completely off topic question (and just to see your response!) have you heard about this? www.ifitoldyou.org

check it out and let us know what you think.


Have a great day.

(ps: how bout the sox? what do you think about them right now?)


mindful mama said...

Here's a fun fact: my 2 year old son speaks a handful of phrases in Swahili and a few (very hard to pronounce) words in Maragoli, my husband's mother tongue (a subtribe of Luhya, if you're reading this, Jenna). My parents were over and he started speaking some Swahili, my mom got all excited and looked at my husband to tell him how WONDERFUL it was that he is teaching him Swahili. Hubby gets a blank look on his face and looks at me. That's right. *I* taught him. Me, white American mzungu 2-10! LOL :)

Marc, are you guys looking to go to another country ("overseas") in the near future? Do you think that's where God is leading your family for the long term? Hey, you could even stay here in this so-called 'God-forsaken' country and minister to the immigrants, for the sake of the Gospel!

Regarding the debate on whether English should be the NATIONAL language or the OFFICIAL language of the United States: where do you stand and why?

Jenna, you are doing more for the people of Kenya in your job and your friendships than your 1 Swahili lesson a week! I started learning Swahili from my roommates cuz the 1 Swahili class at Daystar was so sub-par, it was pathetic. I learned more from them than I could have learned in that class. Don't lose heart. It'll come. Maybe try to see if your friends will speak Swahili to you more often? And anyway, BOTH English & Swahili are the official languages of Kenya. So you'll be sawa sawa, kabisa. ;)

Marc, regarding the link Jenna shared, here is the campus event that coincided with it:

Have you heard about this already? What are your thoughts?

Apu said...

Marc call me--I would love to talk to you about the immigration issue. I had a great (lengthy) comment about this, but stupid blogger deleted it.

As you might guess, this issue naturally strikes very close to home for me.

Josh O. said...

Dude, you've been re-added to my friends list. Now we can talk again.