Saturday, April 12, 2008

Touchy Subjects?

Inevitably, when some time has passed between posts, the one that finally breaks the silence has a few different topics on which I'd like to comment. In order to encourage my readers to finish, I think I'll arrange the subjects from least controversial to most.

The Olympics I'm having difficulty finding words that express how annoyed and saddened I am at the conduct of the protesters in regards to the Olympic Torch. I understand their anger at China. I get their desire to see change in Tibet. I can't even begin to comprehend what they are hoping to accomplish as they attack the torch bearer. Here is an athlete, usually from their home country, whose life accomplishments are being honored with the privilege of being selected to carry the Olympic Torch (A symbol of peace, sportsmanship, and international camaraderie) for a few miles and these hooligans are threatening the runner and trying to extinguish the torch. I'd say that the actions of the protesters warrant the dousing of the Olympic Torch. These people are in no way displaying a desire for peace, sportsmanship or international camaraderie. Basically, they are attacking their neighbor in the hopes of attracting the attention of the king. Foolish, pointless, ignorant.

Virginia Tech The state of Virginia has settled for $11 million with most of the families of those hurt or killed during the VT shooting. The settlement was designed to prevent a court battle aimed at determining "if anyone other than the shooter was to blame" for the tragedy of that day. Yes, the families are hurting but is the blame game going to ease that pain? The settlement (thankfully) isn't even $11 million per family, that's a total amount. Is the money going to soothe the wounds? What good does it do for the courts to decide that the school was partially responsible? Or the state? What about your loved one who took no action in the room while the shooter reloaded? If we are going to extend blame to the farthest reaches, let's be thorough. Let's have blame fall on the students who poked fun at him, to his parents who raised him wrong, the government that doesn't allow prayer in schools, the gun maker who manufactured the weapon, the desk maker whose product didn't stop the bullets, where does it end? The agreement is for a lump sum to the families of those who were killed and a promise to pay for all medical expenses for those who were injured. Some of the families have not agreed to the settlement and may still sue. Apparently a cut of $11 million isn't enough. Makes me sick.

What Liberal Media People who claim that there isn't a liberal bias in the news media like to point to Rupert Murdoch as their coup d'état. Apparently, Mr. Murdoch is known to be a staunch conservative and controls many of the parent companies who control what we hear, see, and read when it comes to the news. I thought I'd take a brief moment to list some of the projects that Mr. Murdoch (or his companies) have been involved in the the past few years:
Boy's Don't Cry
The Day After Tomorrow
Family Guy
Fast Food Nation
Fern Gully
In Living Color
Kissing Jessica Stein
Married with Children
Once Upon A Forest
The Shield
The Simpsons
and Thirteen
Looks to me like the only "right" Mr. Murdoch cares about is the "right" to make money. If his principles are so strong as to slant the news to the right, why would he allow these left leaning programs to be produced by his puppets? Just wondering.

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