Thursday, April 03, 2008

What Did You Say?

There have been a few things said in the past few days that I thought deserved comment.

Hillary Clinton: "Rocky and I have a lot in common" Rocky, huh? Well, I have to assume that Senator Clinton was referring to Rocky's perseverance and never-quit attitude. Do we remember Rocky? Let me refresh some memories: The main character is a washed up has been who is trying to win against all odds. He risks everything at a shot at the big time. There are those that would say he didn't know when to quit. He uses unconventional tactics proposed by his trainer and despite his tenaciousness, he still loses to the black guy. Hmm, are you sure you're like Rocky? (I could also have mentioned the "Sniper Fire" comment, but this one is much more fun!)

Barack Obama: "Look, I got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby" Gosh, I have one punishment already and one on the way. Come to think of it, Barack already has two! (Some liberals have attempted to spin this by saying that he wasn't referring to the baby, rather to the unwanted pregnancy. So is the baby different in a wanted vs an unwanted pregnancy? Is there something in the DNA of an unwanted child that makes it soulless? Less human? Disposable? Whether he meant the baby or the pregnancy, it's the same thing.) Can you believe the calloused disregard this man has for human life? An unwanted child is not only a choice, oh no, now it's a punishment! The child isn't even a natural consequence. It's an 18 year "timeout", a lifetime grounding, a cosmic spanking. Is a baby now on par with an STD? How can someone who has an absence of respect for life to this extent run a country? Doesn't his party purport to support the weakest, poorest, and least fortunate among us? Who fits that profile more than an unwanted unborn child? I'm sorry, unwanted punishment...

The NFL (What's a JMO Post with out a little sports?) "For the 08-09 Season, the NFL is doing away with the "Force Out" rule." What's the "Force Out" rule? Here is what the NFL rule book currently states: "A forward pass is complete when a receiver clearly possesses the pass and touches the ground with both feet inbounds while in possession of the ball. If a receiver would have landed inbounds with both feet but is carried or pushed out of bounds while maintaining possession of the ball, pass is complete at the out-of-bounds spot. " Next year, this will not be the case. If the receiver is pushed out or carried out, too bad: Incomplete pass. Typically, the NFL changes rules to increase scoring. This change will do just the opposite. There is at least an average of one touchdown per week awarded due to the force out rule. That's 16 fewer touchdowns and countless drives ended due to this rule. Especially late in the game were the sideline becomes your best friend. Now, he's a turncoat. I expect to see this rule return to it's rightful status for the NFL's 09-10 season. There will be too many complaints by QBs and WRs who lose yards, completions, stats, TDs and even games because the NFL doesn't trust their officials.

(On a side note: While I was searching for links to the direct quotes of the candidates, I had to look no further than the first 3 suggestions on Google to find Hillary's quote. However, even when I input the full quote, I had to search to page 5 on Google before I found a respectible news source that listed this gaffe. Granted, Hillary did her Rocky thing on April 1st, and Obama's statement was March 29th. There's no Obama love or liberal bias in the media though...)

Well, that's what I have to say!


Anonymous said...

Good to hear your opinion.
Keep it up.


Marc said...

Hey Justin, Welcome to Just My Opinion!