Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Memo to Jay Leno:

A memo to Jay Leno:

Greetings Mr. Leno. I have been an avid watcher of your show for as long as you've been hosting. Truth be told, I was a big fan when you were guest hosting in place of Mr. Carson, and I was very happy when you won the position over Mr. Letterman (and even moreso when your ratings proved that you were the right choice). I've even made an appearance on your show.

Having said all of that, I have a question. Why is it that you and your writers believe that ageism is acceptable? Not only acceptable but the anchor that holds your monologue together.

Since Sen. McCain was announced as the Republican nominee you've made no less than three "old" jokes at his expense each and every night. The first ones were funny. But it's gotten quite old. Perhaps even older than Sen. McCain himself. There are only so many ways you can show that someone is very old. You've covered them all.

Furthermore, so few other candidates are the target of your "humorous" jabs. Yes, you point fun at the "gun toting, I-have-no-foreign-policy-experience, working-mother" Sarah Palin. And on a rare occasion you point out a gaffe made by Sen. Biden. However, it seems to me that Sen. Obama is completely off limits. When you have guests who support Sen Obama you allow them to speak openly and freely. When you have guests who support Sen McCain you pose tough questions and force them to defend their position.

Are you simply getting lazy as you head toward retirement? If your obvious lackluster attempts at used comedy continue, I may have to tune into a different show. Truly, you are becoming a hack of yourself, and it's not pretty.

Hopefully, things will change.

~A former faithful viewer

1 comment:

Marc said...

Just so you know, I actually emailed this to NBC.

Hasn't made much of a difference.