Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Seven Political Complaints

When it comes to politics, do I ever do anything else?

Complaint 1: Double Standards
    When a hurricane devistates a city, when politicians fail to serve their people, and when disaster strikes: It's the president's fault. However, when a disaster is averted, when an evacuation is successful, and when politicians shine: The credit goes to the local leaders. Hmm... And the latter is not just the national media. The Republicans are congratulating Mayor Nagin and the new (Republican) Governor of Louisiana. Granted it's a back-handed compliment saying "The local leaders did their part this time. They did what they were supposed to do and evacuated the areas most affected." I couldn't agree more. The blame and the kudos should fall squarely on the shoulders of the local officials. I await the apologies of all of those that blamed the president and are congratulating Nagin.
Complaint 2: An Inconvenient Label
    A major news website has the headline "Ex-Democrat now backs McCain" to announce that Joe Lieberman would be speaking at the GOP convention. Funny thing is: Lieberman still holds all of this committee positions and the Democrats count him when they discuss their margin over the Republicans in the Senate. So, he's a Democrat when they like what he's doing and he's an "Ex-Democrat" when he's stumping for the other party. Most memorable line from his speech: "Country matters more than party and John McCain is the best choice to lead our country."
Complaint 3: Lying to America
    I grow weary of the Democrats strategy to paint McCain as Bush III. Let's be honest: Bush II wasn't even the same as Bush I. How can McCain be a little Bush II clone? I think what bothers me most about this is it is so far off the mark. The only Senator who may be more of a maverick, more of a wild card, than McCain is Lieberman. I hope that those who believe that McCain will be "four more years of failed leadership" (As Hillary put it) will view his voting record and find that the mathematical equation Bush=McCain deserves a big red X through it.
Complaint 4: Stupid Voters
    Once before at work I had a customer say something so stupid on the phone that I had to mention it here. It's happened again. A customer said to me today that they were apprehensive when it came to voting for the McCain/Palin ticket because, "What if, God forbid, she should become president? I'd be uncomfortable with her inexperience in the White House." Pardon? Yes, let's all vote for Obama to ensure inexperience in the Oval Office rather than voting for McCain on the outside chance that it might happen. Seriously. There should be a test before you are allowed to vote.
Complaint 5: Inappropriate Bias
    On the rerun of House today there was a scene were a doctor is attempting to gain some privacy in a restroom. In the stall, on the wall behind her was a bumper sticker that said "Vote for Change '08." Shameless. I'd be just as upset if it said "Country First '08." I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. It seems that the wealthy of Hollywood enjoy paying more in taxes because that why they don't have to feel compelled to donate any more of their money. "Sorry, I gave in my paycheck." Actually, Lieberman said it right, "The real vote for change is a vote for John McCain."
Complaint 6: "The High Road"
    I'm incredibly surprised that the Left decided to press the issue of Sarah Palin's daughter's (Bristol) pregnancy. Did they forget that Barack said that he "wouldn't want [his] daughters to be punished [by having a baby] for poor decisions they made"? Seems to me this is exactly the type of thing they'd want to stay way from. Although, I wouldn't put it past Obama to ok the release of this information so that he can "take the high road." "Family is off limits," he can now say. Rather than actually making it off limits. It's the same strategy he used when he encouraged his "former mentor" pastor to continue speaking loud and crazy so that Obama could immediately disagree with him, rather than trying only to disagree with the things he'd said in the past.
Complaint 7: How the Election Process fails me
    I've realized why I so prefer the negative "attack" political ads. As I look back over my own voting record I found that I have yet to vote for a candidate for President. Even before I could vote I was campaigning actively for Bush I because I didn't want to see Clinton in the White House (Just ask my High School Art teacher...) The first vote I ever cast was against a Clinton second term (So much against, I had registered Democratic so I could vote for Bradley in the primary in the hopes that Clinton would not get the nomination... and then I voted against Clinton again and consequently Dole received my vote.) I voted against Gore and Kerry. Now, every vote I've ever cast has fallen into the pool of a blue state. So, for those of you who feel like your vote "didn't count" when you voted against Bush II: I know how you feel. I'm so hoping that this vote will be for a candidate and not against one. In that fashion, I'm a bit of an undecided voter. Will I be voting for McCain? Or against Obama? I just don't know.
There you have it, feel free to respond by number. Offer your opinion in response to mine.


Anonymous said...

Ok where's your RNC post? You could barely contain yourself during the DNC -- where's your "Go Sarah!" Post???

Miss you guys!!

Marc said...

It's no fun posting when you agree! I thought she rocked it! Home Run! Touchdown! Goooooaaaaaaall! and any other sports references you can think of! I think the McCain/Palin ticket is SOOO much more attractive (not just asthetically) to the undecided voter than the Obama/Biden ticket(I really should just call them the Osama in Hiding ticket....)

But I'm nervous. I don't trust the American voter.