Sunday, November 01, 2009

Happy Hallo(bama)ween

I can't take credit for this first part, but it really made me laugh:

We should have an Obama Halloween. When the children come to the door, we should use it as a "teachable moment" in regards to how the future of America's economy will be.

We take their plastic pumpkins, pillowcases, plastic bags, back packs, and other candy carriers and we redistribute their candy. That way it doesn't matter how long the children have been out trick-or-treating and it doesn't matter the amount of effort the children put into their costume. Each child will have about the same amount of candy. You've been out for three hours and you just started three minutes ago: You've got about the same amount of candy. You spent weeks planning, designing, and creating your costume, you went to Wal*mart yesterday and bought the last clearanced Transformers costume: Doesn't matter, you've both got about the same amount of candy.

I hope they go home and complain to their parents about the redistribution of candy.

Along the same Obama-line: I also nearly fell off of my couch laughing at SNL this week when they pointed out Obama's lack of accomplishments thus far.

You can see the video here. To quote a few of my favorite lines:

"There are those on the right who are angry, they think that I"m turning this great country into something that resembles the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany. But that's just not the case, if you look at my record it's very clear what I've done so far: and that is: nothing, nada, almost one year and nothing to show for it."

"I said I'd make improvements in the war in Afghanistan. Is it better? No, actually I think it's worse."

and "So looking at this list I'm seeing two big accomplishments: Jack and Squat!"

Good for you SNL for being a comedy outlet, and not a political outlet. Thank you for lampooning both sides of the aisle! Keep it up!

And one final thought. So, SNL finally takes a shot at a Democrat who's name doesn't rhyme with Mo' Slidin' and look who jumps to the rescue: The "non-liberal" media! Even if you don't choose to click on this, the link starts with the word "news". News! What is "news" about coming to the defense of the President? Where was the "news" to back George W.?! It wasn't even listed as a column. No mention of opinion. Nope. This is "news": SNL was wrong in their take on the President's accomplishments (Or, to be more precise, lack thereof). And if you read the biased opinionated "news" story, they don't even say that SNL is inaccurate; just that the things SNL claimed he hadn't done yet were planned! They are yet to come, in the future, on the way! I guess I'm a success at giving that big presentation at work because it's in my calendar to do next month! I'm also great in that new position because I hope to have it by the end of next year!

How long will we allow ourselves to be deceived by accepting that which is NOT news as though it were news? And why does that deception so often lean to the left?


Malina said...

I tried to watch the video segment, but for some reason it wouldn't work. Anyway though, I loved this post! I am so sick of people making the President out to be this savior of the US. He hasn't done anything! Maybe he's so caught up in the idolatry of himself that he just can't follow through. Maybe I am being too harsh?

Malina said...

I was watching this pastor speak this morning about America being founded on Christianity, it was unbelievable. He used a lot of historical facts and original letters, very interesting, thought you might want to check it out.
The pastor was David Barton.

Anonymous said...

This is not a political response, but I have to say that your Hallobamaween actually sounds a whole lot like the parable of the workers in the vineyard. The ones who worked all day were rather peeved that the ones who were hired for just the last hour got the same wage even though they hadn't worked as long. Of course in this story they weren't having to hand over their savings and have it redistribued...I think that's called Communism, last time I checked.

KylieMotxo said...

In you Obama halloween you describe communism- Obama is accused of being a socialist. Americans seems to be unable to understand the difference due to our capitalist history and cultural influences. There is still inequality in a socialist system. Socialism was originally seen as a step along the route of social evolution to the Utopian communism, but it is quite different. Western Europe is not communist, it is socialist- doctors still earn more than the cleaning people, there are just higher taxes and more is provided by the state so there is a lower level of difference between very wealthy and very poor.