Friday, January 15, 2010


It seems that every time the new year rolls around, someone decides it's a good idea to ring it in with John Lennon's "Imagine."

I'm not ashamed or afraid to admit that I don't like the song "Imagine." And not because I want my stuff or even due to my outspoken dedication to one specific religion.

The world that John imagines is one of a purposeless drab useless existence.

Imagine no religion and no heaven and hell. Ok, that means that the life I live is regulated to this world. There is no reward or punishment, so I have to find meaning in this life, as there isn't one that follows.

I'll pour myself into Patriotism and the defense and bettering of my country. Oh, wait, there are no boarders, boundaries, or countries. Ok, well, that's out.

Hmm, I'll find something I'm passionate about. What's that John? There's nothing to kill or die for? Well, while I get the nothing to kill for (with the exception of possibly killing one to save many others) If I have nothing to die for, what kind of life is that? I wouldn't give up my life for my children? My wife? I have no religion be martyred for or country to defend. What's left?

I guess I'll live a life of comfort. Oh no! All of my stuff is gone! I have no possessions.

What am I left with? The brotherhood of man? Based on what? The fact that we live in a world devoid of hope, meaning, purpose, drive, or ambition.

John's utopia is in fact a distopia. If I lived in his imagined world I might just have found something to die for: to get out of it.


Jeremy McKeen said...

You stinker! You stole my blog idea!

Marc said...

Not stole, inspired. But you are correct, I should definitely have referenced your post in mine.

My appologies.