Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Disgracing the King and Kudos for... Clinton?

Yesterday, once again, liberals proved that they have no tact, respect, or manners.

The memorial service for Coretta Scott King was held yesterday and everyone who thinks they are someone was there: Ted Kennedy, President Bush I, President Bush II, Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Hillary Clinton, among many many others.

It turns out that President Bush rearranged his schedule to attend this funeral, only to hear liberal Democrats take political potshots at him.

While President Bush II actually remembered Mrs. King in his remarks, several other speakers felt that this was an appropriate time to spew their political rhetoric.

These people were mostly people who recognize that this may be the only national stage they have in many years and simply couldn't pass up on this opportunity.

Reverend Joseph Lowery felt this was an acceptable time to mention that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. "But there are weapons of mass distraction here." he continued. Yes, there are. You! Your ignorance and lack of respect for the deceased is the distraction. Your need to be in the spotlight is the distraction. Take a seat!

Following the "good" Reverend was former President Jimmy Carter Jr. He chose to attempt to jab at President Bush II by commenting on the "covert wire tapping" that the Kings had to deal with during the civil rights movement. The former President said, "It was difficult for them personally with the civil liberties of both husband and wife violated, and they became the targets of secret government wiretapping and other surveillance." Um, Mr. President, there are two problems with that. 1) Domestic wire tapping is illegal. President Bush II has not engaged in this. All of the wire tapping that has occurred has been conversations with suspected terrorists in other countries. 2) It was your own party that tapped the King's phone! It was your party's heroes! Their brother is two chairs away from you! It was Jack and Robert Kennedy! Maybe while you are saving tortoises in the Everglades and hammering nails in the Sudan you could take a history lesson or two! Take a seat!

Many people cheered at these comments. Proving that the lack of social graces in the liberal left does not sit solely with the elite. It trickles down to the underlings. Those who would accept and encourage inappropriate behavior at a memorial service for a great woman!

President Bush and his father sitting just behind the podium, shook their heads slightly at some of the criticism. I believe that their actions were less concerned with what was being said, but more bothered by the abuse and desecration of the venue. That people would use this time of honor and recollection for their own personal gain.

Then, an amazing thing happened! Former President Clinton showed some class! He rose with his wife and walked to the podium. He said that he was honored to be with his current President and former Presidents. At this point, some nut job liberal who doesn't understand the meaning of tact shouted "and future President!" of course suggesting that Hillary had some sort of a chance at the White House.

Former President Clinton (I highlight "former" because many liberals seem to forget this and enjoy referring to him as "President Clinton" and referring to the current President as "Mr. Bush." Hommie don't play that.) took this opportunity to chastise his own party.

"I want to remind everyone why we are here. We aren't here to chastise. We aren't here to argue politics. Let's remember that there is a real woman here. A woman we are here to remember and to honor."

Good for you Mr. Clinton! Thank you for pointing your misdirected party back in the proper direction for the occasion. And thank you to the rest of the liberals for proving that the only thing you truly care about is power and pontification. If you truly cared about the civil rights movement that you so loudly support, you would have respected the gravity of the ceremony that you were attending, not used it as a soap box to spout from. Thank you for once again separating yourself from the average American. Please feel free to continue with this behavior.

But, what can I say? That's just my opinion.


Anonymous said...

Marc Marc Marc, breath deeply.

I saw most of these clips on the Daily Show last night. Sure that's not the greatest news source, but I got the picture. I too thought many of the comments were inappropriate and though I didn't have the context, I can't imagine a context in which they'd appropriate. These people's boldness in the face of Bushie was hilarious, but ill timed.

That said, you need to back the hell off liberals. I understand that conservatives are on the defensive these days, but badmouthing any and all Democrats (why are those terms always thought interchangeable?) is a desperation that isn't helping anyone.

Did you really expect anything less from President Clintion (hey, ex presidents are still referred to as "Mr. President." I call Bushie "Bushie" because he wasn't elected, and you call Clinton whatever you like)? He's never shown anything but class in these situations.

As for Carter's remarks, they were so much more subtle than you make it seem and fit in nicely with what he was saying of the Kings' hardships. And just what's your point about his party surveiling Martin and Coretta? Allegiance to a party weakens us all. He's saying it was wrong and good for him!

And btw, your celeste pizzas are 50 cents this week at Stop N Shop. Go get em!

Marc said...

(Don't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you) I really enjoyed going over the top on this one! I knew that what I was writing was more than what I actually felt but I couldn't resist.

I think their comments would be completely appropriate in any political venue. Take shots at the president all you want, just not at a funeral for a national hero!

Liberals/Dems, Conservatives/Reps... always interchangable.

Thanks for the pizza tip! I'm SO there!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed your rant, Marc. Thanks for the good read!