Friday, September 29, 2006

Things that don't make sense

I'll be talking about NBC a few times in this post so I'll use them as bookmarks:

NBC (1): Has anyone else noticed that the show Friday Night Lights is on Tuesday night? I understand that most of the demographic they are aiming for would be out on Friday night at the game so it doesn't make a ton of sense to put the show in that time slot. I'd call it something different, though. You can still piggy back on the success of the film in the advertisements for Gridiron Guts & Goalline Glory that airs on Tuesdays. (I bet the high school football fanatics love that it's on Tuesdays. It'd be like having an NFL game on Wednesday!)

Gas prices: I'm going to start out by saying you can't have it both ways because it just doesn't make sense and then explain myself. When gas prices spiked and topped $3.00 per gallon, people blamed the President. Apparently he wasn't powerful enough to do anything to stop the incredible rise and so somehow, it was his fault. Now that gas has fallen below $60.00 a barrel and less than $2.25 a gallon, those same people are saying that this was some type of political move by the right to attempt to retain seats in the house and the senate! So on one had he was powerless to stop it, and on on the other, not only is he powerful, he devious and calculating as well! Seriously, you can't have it both ways.

NBC (2): I happend to flip on channel 7 one Saturday and saw Zidgel, Midgel, Fidgel and Kevin. That's right, the 3-2-1 Penguins were on! It's a new Saturday Morning progam where NBC is showing Babar, Veggietales, 3-2-1 Penguins, and other wholesome children's programing. I was very excited to see that NBC was going to be showing such God centered programing! Then I read an article that NBC was removing any "non historical references to God" including the VeggieTales tag line "Remember, God made you and he loves you very much!" I was floored. Phil Visher admitted that he was told that VT would be edited for tv, but he thought it would be for the time allotted, not for content! Remember, this is the network that has brought us Medium, Law & Order: SVU (that stands for "Special Victim's Unit" which is all sexual crimes), Las Vegas, Passions, and Friday Night Lights (which I'm sure will be completely wholesome.) So we can do pyschics, sexual crime, hookers, gambling, greed, etc, but God forbid we mention God. (Whoops, even that line probably wouldn't be allowed!) What demographic is NBC looking to cater to?

Did I make any sense? Perhaps. We all know, that it's just my opinion.


Anonymous said...

Yes, your post on things that don't make sense made sense. Make sense? :)

Have you guys made the big move yet? Hope it was/is not too hectic moving out of state especially with a baby. In any case, happy moving/settling in!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you touched on the VeggieTales atrocity. One Saturday morning, Steve and I actually sat through the entire cartoon to see if it had been "God edited" and although neither of us were surprised, we were both unexpectedly pissed that they would take an admittedly "Christian" cartoon and massacre it the way that they did. The network is certainly not obligated to show religious media. However, to take said religious media and re-religify (my new word) it is totally wrong. I would be very disappointed if the writers of VeggieTales allowed the network to continue this.

Anonymous said...


Sorry to post a comment that has nothing to do with your post, but I didn't know how else to reach you -- and I'm not even sure if this will reach you! I assume that you couldn't take your CBD email with you, so am wondering if you have a new one? I'd like to update your email on my group email -- unless, of course, you no longer want to get them??? I'm a little disappointed that you're no longer in MA. I'll be home in December and was hoping to cash in on my Nick's victory lunch -- which, by the way, we could have said September 2006 and I STILL would have won. :P (you can email me your address)

I hope that all is going well and you're settled into CT. I'm sure I'm not the only one who misses hearing what's on your mind.

Be well!
