Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Judges, Motorcycles, and more Politics

As it always seems to happen when I have a slightly extended absence: here is a multi-topic post. I'll organize from least interesting to most. Feel free to skip around.

Legislating from the Bench: The Connecticut Supreme Court has done the same illegal, cowardly, usurpation that the Mass courts did. Gay "marriage" is now legal in CT. If you live in CT, whether you agree with the ruling or not, you ought to vote Yes for the Constitutional convention so that the judges will learn that they don't actually run the government. They don't have the right to make new laws. And this government of the people by the people for the people is truly going to be that. Here is my biggest beef with Gay "marriage." Marriage is a religious concept. Now, if the church is supposed to keep it's nose out of the state, why isn't the reverse true? Let the state give whatever rights/benefits/tax breaks they want to gay couples. But don't require the church to bestow the title "married" on them.

Motorcycles: I used to see the bumper sticker with an image of a motorcycle that said "Share the road" and think that it was a reminder to motorists to share the road with motorcyclists. Now I realize the truth. It's reminding motorcyclists two things: 1) They don't actually own the road and 2) There are cars on it. I have had several situations where I've nearly taken out a motorcycle because he decided (and the jerks on bikes to tend to be universally men) that the dotted white line on the highway is the motorcycle lane. The reason drivers don't see motorcyclists is because they weave in and out of traffic at 3 times the speed limit. One of my favorite things about CT is that helmets are optional. Talk about social Darwinism. God bless the freedom to be stupid, but don't endanger my family while you're at it! So, hey motorcycles, "share the road, will ya?!"

Spin: My new biggest beef with Obama's "honorable" campaign is his "Tax Break" ad. In it he claims that 101 million American families will not receive a tax break under McCain's economic plan. During this assertion there are two images on the screen, assumedly representing the type of "families" that won't receive any tax break. Both images are families with kids. Whoops. McCain's plan will double the tax credit for children. Golly Gee, Barack, are you being deceitful to the American people again? See, it looks like the people pictured will receive a tax break. I'm sure it was an honest mistake, you certainly aren't in the business of misleading America. Of course, you don't explicitly say that those pictures are representative of those who would be left tax breakless, but we'll just let the American people believe that they won't, right?

Campaign Signs: I've noticed a few trends with the campaign signs that I've been seeing in my neck of the woods. The first thing I've noticed is the incredible lack of campaign signs. Either people don't care as much as they have in the past, this campaign is more contentious than previous ones and people don't want to upset their neighbors, or the candidates are charging too much for the signs and people don't want to buy them. I, personally believe the second to be the least likely. Another observation is that the people supporting the Democrats choice for President appear to be embarrassed by the Vice Presidential selection. Easily seven out of ten signs that I see do not have Biden's name on them. I have news for those who will vote for the D's: You can't have Obama without Biden. I haven't seen the same shying from the running mate with the McCain/Palin signs. Perhaps 2 out of 10 list only McCain. The other thing I've noticed is that there are more "cross-over" voters this year voting for McCain. Remember this is based entirely on campaign signs. I've seen "Democrats for McCain" "Women for McCain" I've even seen one that said "Hilaryocrat for McCain." Obviously these are people who traditionally vote for the Democratic party.

More of the same: While in conversation with a voter she expressed a thought that I found to be poignant and worth sharing. She said, "I would have liked to have seen McCain/Palin just to see if anything would have been different." What does this admission reveal? She expects nothing but more of the same partisanship, deadlock, and disappointment from an Obama Administration as we've gotten from Bush II. What she said in her defeated, resigned comment was in complete agreement with what you've been reading on Just My Opinion: Obama will not bring change. Partisanship is the same be it left or right. True change is someone not beholden to any one party. Someone who's record shows that he or she votes with their conscience, not with the letter by their name. Who might that be? I think I'll just refer to one candidate as Mr 66% and the other as Mr. 97%. You tell me, which would you rather have in office?

So, what's your opinion?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

three thoughts

1st) On the subject of motorcycles! Too funny! Social darwinism! I'm still laughing.

2nd) On the subject of the Obama add that you referenced. If it's the one I'm thinking of, I noticed another interesting point. The add claims something to the effect of "Zero tax relief for hundreds of thousands of Americans" (this is during the photos of the families). Later in the same add it says that Obama promises "Three times the tax relief for families making under $250,000." I thought about that for a minute. ... hhmmm.. Zero tax relief.. Three times as much tax relief.... One could argue that based on third grade math three times zero is still zero and Obama is promising much!! I'm guessing it's just poorly written and doesn't reflect a hidden fact, but it did make me think!

3rd) I think the remark about McCain/Palin and change was pondering whether or not McCain/Palin would really be "Four more years" or whether it would actually be any different than Bush's White House. Just my interpretation.

Kisses to all the tiny people at your house! Hugs to you and V. ~L.