Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Adventures in Fatherhood

The Queen of Hearts was invited to a wedding! In Europe!

Truth be told, the entire family was invited but, after mulling it over, we determined that the best course of action was to send my fantastic wife back to her favorite city without three tag-alongs.

I hope to chronicle my six day odyssey here on JMO for two reasons. Hopefully, it will get me back into the habit of posting. Second: If my wife finds an Internet kiosk in Praha, she can rest assured that, at the very least, her precious ones are still alive.

The QoH flew out of JFK and the plan was that she would catch a train to Grand Central, hop on a shuttle and soar into the stratosphere.

We missed her train. So I offered, with our semi-reliable car (which is more reliable than our other car) to drive her right to the airport. Everything goes without a hitch and we see her off (and her children took it better than she). Full House, Wild Card and I watch some planes take-off. We wave to "mommy's plane" and say goodbye (Good thing little ones can't read. "Daddy, I thought mommy was flying Delta, that plane says 'JetBlue'") We leave the airport just after 3PM.

We arrive at home at 7.

Was it the car? Nope. The semi-reliable car proved reliable for the whole day! Nope it was traffic: Bridges, accidents, cities, morons. Thank goodness for our new GPS! It has a "Detour" button. I saw more back streets in more towns than I ever care to again. Why did it take so long seeing as I had a GPS? As soon as I saw the traffic I'd hit that handy little button and sit in traffic that wasn't moving to get off on an exit onto a road that clearly has more street lights than it needs.

Now, having said all of that: my children have been fed and are now sleeping all snug in their beds. I am so proud of how they conducted themselves today and that is a testament to their fantastic upbringing.

My kids are the best and it's because of my wife!


Peter R. Wood said...

I'll be interested to follow the rest of your saga. The longest I've spent with one kid is probably about 48 hours, and that was just with the older one! I'm not sure how I'd do for a week with two little ones!

Dawn said...

You'll be great, Marc! I have so much respect for any dad who will give his wife a big break like that.

Queen of Hearts said...

Wow! You're all alive!! I'm so happy to hear that! Thanks for allowing me this adventure - kiss those babies for me!