Friday, October 09, 2009

You Gotta Be Kidding Me!

This runner was called safe.

And this runner was called safe.

(In both cases the defensive player has the ball in his glove.)

The real kicker is that these runners are the same player! And the umpire was the same ump!

I wonder what Howard Kendrick has on CB Bucknor. Or what does Bucknor owe to Kendrick? Or what did Kevin Youkilis ever do to Bucknor? Or perhaps the umpire just thought it would be fitting for a man named Bucknor to make a couple of errors at first base during a Red Sox playoffs game.

Whatever the case. I sincerely hope that this man's performance removes him from any future series. And I hope that for the next four games he is regulated to the right field foul line!

1 comment:

BlueberryEyesDesign said...