Thursday, March 12, 2009

Give It Some Time!

The Obama's have been in the White House for just over 50 days. That's less than three months. Let's take a look at some magazine covers and books that have already been out for a few weeks:

.......February 18, 2009 .........................February 4, 2009.......

To quote Seth and Amy from SNL: "Really?" Do they really know what it's like to be a "White House" family? As of February 4th (15 days after the inaugeration), did Michelle really have some "secrets of a White House Mom" to share? Really? Two weeks later was there really an "Our life in the White House" expose that just needed to be reported on? Really? A children's book? Really? What educational value does speculating about the Obama's life in the White House hold for my eight year old? Really? I've had a daughter for alomst 6 months! Do I have some secrets to share on how to raise a girl? Really!

I have an idea: Let's let them be a family first. The President second. And celebrities third. Or, we could cut out that last part all together! That'd be just fine with me!


Dawn said...


MommaSqwirl said...

I foundmyself thinking the same thing when I saw those same magazines at the grocery store. I just chalked it up to a slow celebrity news week, and the press so much want to make President Obama a celebrity.

Anonymous said...

Did you catch Obama on Leno? I thought "Wow. Now Marc & Obama actually have something in common. --- both having been on Leno!" L.