Wednesday, June 03, 2009

I Can't Believe This Exists

This may become a regular (or semi-regular) installment on JMO. If that does become the case then here is the first episode:

I can't believe that this exists:

That's right! Remember, you saw it here first: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde the musical starring David Hasselhoff! Be sure to show some restraint. Don't all rush out to buy one.


Sarah said...

This show has been around about 10 years or show. He actaully has a really nice voice. Sebastion Bach from Skid Row also took this role on. He also was amazing. I have not seen the show but have heard the music. It was surprisingly good. I thought the same thing that you did when I first saw it.

Unknown said...

hi Marc,

I came across this blog today, and I thought you might like this man's well thought out opinion about Prez Obama's speech in Cairo.

Have you heard of him? I came across an article he wrote on the Sojourners blog site.

