Monday, August 15, 2005

An overview

A lot of people blog about their lives. Who they are and what they do. "Just got back from a day at the beach..." Great. Hey, no offense to those people. I sometimes find those interesting. However, I don't think that my life is interesting enough to simply chronicle my daily activities. I desire to spur people to action or anger. I intend for this blog to be a place for me to vent my political rantings, movie reviews, theological viewpoints, and general ramblings and epiphanies about life. Yes, I'll stumble into the "today I went to the zoo..." habit. Hopefully those will be recorded due to their instigation of some phenomenal personal enlightenment.

Today, I started a blog.

And this is just my opinion.


tchittom said...

welcome to the blogosphere! I'm on the edge of my seat to see what's next!

Anonymous said...

great start! looking forward to reading your insights etc. Have fun with it!

Marc said...

This is a great outlet!