Thursday, August 25, 2005

The Yankees and Hoover

It has been reported that "the trio" (That is the Red Sox ownership: John Henry, Tom Werner, and Larry Lucchino) are asking fans to no longer engage in the ever popular "Yankees Suck!" chant. They have gone so far as to request that fans who come to the games wearing those famous black and white tees turn them inside out as Fenway has a family atmosphere.

Our job, therefore, as loyal Red Sox fans is to invent a new chant that let's the Yankees know just how we feel. I've heard a few suggestions. "Ankeesyay Ucksay" and "Yankees Who?" are among my personal favorites.

I hereby challenge you, oh Fenway Faithful, to assist me in this endeavor. I will list a few of my own ideas and I encourage you to list yours. (Please feel free to take part even if you don't know what position Johnny Damon plays, or even if the Sox aren't your favorite team!)

My suggestions:
"Hoover's new model: The Yankees"
"The Yankees are a sub-par team deserving of no accolades!"
"Over-paid, over-rated, and over-the-hill!"
"The Yankees inhale"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What about instead of denouncing an AL team the Sox fans cheer for an NL team ... like the Mets! So my recommendation is: "Let's God Mets!"

- positive
- NY oriented
- contains assonance

Seeems like a winner