Monday, September 12, 2005

September "Just Your Opinion" Results

Poll of the week of September 26th-October 3rd
Question: Who do you think holds the most responsibility for the disaster in New Orleans?
    President George W. Bush
      0 votes (0%)
    Governor of Louisiana Kathleen Blanco
      2 votes (33.3%)
    Mayor of New Orleans Ray Nagin
      2 votes (33.3%)
    Former FEMA head Michael Brown
      1 vote (16.7%)
    The Sierra Club
      1 vote (16.7%)

Poll of the week of September 19th-September 25th
Question:Which was the most groundbreaking film in history?
    The Great Train Robbery
      1 vote (8.3%)
    The Jazz Singer
      3 votes (25%)
    Citizen Cane
      3 votes (25%)
    The Wizard of Oz
      0 votes (0%)
    Gone with the Wind
      0 votes (0%)
    Star Wars ~ A New Hope
      5 votes (41.7%)
    The Matrix
      0 votes (0%)
    The Lord of the Rings
      0 votes (0%)

Poll of the week of September 12th-September 18th
Question: Would you rather:
    The Yankees not make it to the Playoffs?
      7 votes (58.3%)
    The Yankees make it to the Playoffs and face off against the Red Sox?
      5 votes (41.7%)
    The Yankees make it to the Playoffs but lose in the first round?
      0 votes (0%)
The Yankees and the Red Sox have made it into the playoffs. We will have to see if they can get past the Angels and if the Red Sox can get past the White Sox to meet each other in the ALCS.

Poll of the week of September 5th-September 11th
Question: Do you rebuild New Orleans?
    No, count it as a loss and move on, a modern day Atlantis!
      4 votes (36.4%)
    Yes, but get some fill in there to make the city about sea level!
      4 votes (36.4%)
    Yes, same place, better levees!
      3 votes (27.3%)
    Yes, about 50 inland!
      0 votes (0%)

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