Friday, September 23, 2005

Three sports, one news, and a weird rant

Sportsline: Las Vegas. Leavander Johnson, a lightweight boxing title holder, died five days after a fight against Jesus Chavez to defend his title. During the 11 round fight Chavez landed over 400 punches on Johnson, most of which were to his head. Johnson died from brain swelling and a brain hemorrhage. Will Chavez be charged with a crime? How is it a sport for one man to try to smash another man into submission in a casino if there are thousands of people who have paid to see it (and more paying on pay-per-view) and there's a man in black and white stripes who is supposed to defend these men. But if one man tries to smash another man into submission in a casino near the blackjack table it's assault and battery? Johnson's promoter said, "He died a champion." Yeah? Does that change the fact that he died?

Sportsline: Baltimore. The cheating coward Rafael Palmiero recently pointed a finger at a fellow teammate, Baltimore Oriole's shortstop Miguel Tejada, claiming that Tejada gave him a vitamin B12 pill that may have lead to his positive steroid test earlier this year. Tejada has been tested 3 times this year and has never had a result that was positive for steroids. Tejada has been cleared of any wrong-doing. Do we need any more reason to oust this man from baseball? Not only did he commit perjury before the Senate, now he is throwing his teammate under the bus in order to try and save himself. Take responsibility for your actions, pack your bags, and gracefully (or as gracefully as possible with how tarnished you are) leave baseball!

Sportsline: New York. Yesterday New York Mets pitcher Pedro Martinez left the game in the fifth inning. Not because he was getting lit up. Oh no, he was tired. Tired? He'd tossed 75 pitches! He gave up 2 runs! It was 2-1 and he opted out! "I'm a winner." was Pedro's comment during a post game interview. Question: Why didn't he opt out of game seven in 2003 against the New York Yankees?!?!?! Pedro said he was tired and that he wanted to save his arm for next year! He knows that the Mets have a chance next year and he wants to be ready. Apparently 146 days off isn't enough for Pedro to rest after a seven inning outing. He also said that when you are out of the playoffs, there is no excitement. There is no adrenaline. Hmmm... where could he have a run at the playoffs almost every year? Oh, Boston! But it wasn't about the money, was it Pedro?

Newsline: Galveston. A meteorologist on Fox 25 News at 10 said the following: "As you can see by this computer animation, a hurricane of a category 3 with a storm surge of 8 feet or more would level the city of Galveston." Really? Well, if you watch my computer animation you'll see that a giant Japanese lizard like monster from the sea that breathes fire and has laser-eyes would also level the city. Or this animation that shows Neptuninites with their disintegration rays leveling the city. Thanks for that news Mr. Weatherman!

Weirdline: Star Trek. This is not a joke. The Bible is being translated into Klingon. Clearly, this is not Tyndale. Maybe this is a way to reach the demographic of 30-47 year old males who live in their parents basement with the gospel.


Apu said...

so during the ascension, Jesus says, "Beam me up, Gabriel!"

Anonymous said...

2 qaStaHvIS Sabatlh chaq vor yeSuS;
lupummeH 'e' lutu'.

The Klingon High Council will be most displeased.

Anonymous said...

Boxing should be illegal. If cock fights are, then why is human fighting okay? Messed up ...

And I would like to get me a copy of that Klingon Bible. I'll take a soapbox to the next convention I go to and preach the word!

I may be 30, but I don't live in my parents basement!

I do live next door to them, though, which might be a little messed up ...