Tuesday, September 06, 2005

"We're not gonna protest!" -CPU

After reading one of my many posts regarding Ms. Cindy Sheehan, a friend of mine (who doesn't like to post comments) whom I shall refer to as Apu, made a fantastic comment that I would like to share here.

Protesting is great. It is your constitutional right. It makes a statement. But with all the energy that some people are putting into extended protests, doesn't it seem that there are more constructive things that they could put that effort into? Honestly, does it look like Ms. Sheehan's protest is going to garner any further response from the White House? Or cause the troops to be brought home from Iraq before that country has a viable democratic government? Not likely. What Ms. Sheehan is doing doesn't help the troops. It doesn't even help herself or her family deal with what is surely a tremendous loss.

Apu suggested that instead of putting all that energy into interviews, speeches, sign-making, and chant inventing the participants in such activities would better serve those they claim to support by doing... really any number of things other than protest. Ms. Sheehan could positively bring the plight of those who have lost loved ones to the forefront, instead of telling us (what we have already heard) what is wrong with our country. There are plenty of people flapping their gums out there (not the least of which are found in Hollywood) but not nearly enough people actually taking action and consoling these parents of heroes in our midst, these families who have sacrificed their own flesh and blood for our liberty.

Apu's idea was that Cindy Sheehan could start a non-profit support group for people who have lost children in this conflict. Letting them know that they are not alone. Showing support for the people she claims to speak for. On top of that, the people at her little protest camp claim to support the troops! Great! Are they collecting items to send to the troops? Are they communicating with them to see what they want from the citizens they are protecting? That is something else their non-profit group could do. What better way to show support for the troops and those who have lost children?!

An added benefit to such actions? Unity! The people on the other side of the picket line protesting the protestors would gladly donate to the "support our troops" care packages!

Let's face it. Protesting for more than 3 days is not only ineffective, it's a waste of time. Let's be inventive. If you feel so strongly about an issue that you are willing to invest weeks of you time, invest it wisely! Invest it creatively! Invest it in a way that doesn't require action by the government for your efforts to be considered successful!

Unless, of course, the only reason you are protesting is for your 15 minutes of fame. Is that what most protests are for? Publicity? Or are they to actually incur change?

Wanna cause change? Don't shout and hope that someone else makes something happen: Do it yourself!

But, hey, that's just my opinion.

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