Saturday, January 07, 2006

The fate of Christianity rests on Italian judge

That's right! You heard it here first! (Or maybe not first, but you still heard it here.) An Italian judge will rule whether or not Jesus actually existed.

A lawsuit is being filed by an atheist who wants to "deal the final blow to the church." The lawsuit contests that a certain priest (and therefore all priests, really) is breaking an Italian law that is called "Abuse of popular opinion." This law is in place to protect the public from being swindled or cheated. The basis of the suit is that Jesus did not actually exist and the church is abusing popular opinion by insisting that he did.

Well, Jeremiah 31:35-36 must not be true! If this judge rules that Jesus didn't actually exist this will spell the end of Christianity! The faith of millions would be dashed against this ruling. Chaos would ensue as millions wander in a spiritual void, uncertain of what is and isn't true.

Suits spring up everywhere: Did Christopher Columbus exist? What about Caesar? Mohammed? Wait... what about me? Do I really exist? If I were to die would there be evidence that I actually lived?!

~End sarcasm~

I don't know why this man is wasting the courts time with this pointless lawsuit. The outcome really makes no difference in the grand scheme of things.

This just continues in the rest of the world what's happening in this country. A new friend and I coined the phrase that we feel captures this phenomenon perfectly: Generica. That's right, Generic America. We hold to no beliefs. Nothing is true. Nothing is recognized. We worship at the throne of the eye on the back of the dollar bill and we deify the signers of the Declaration of independence. That wonderful document that frees us so that we might believe in nothing.

God Bless Generica! Wow, I really rambled in this one! Well, if you've made it this far I ought to inform you that, apart from the facts, this is all just my opinion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So true! Generica, I mean. I'm discovering a variety of love-ones - some of whom I'm living with at present - are worshipping believers of Generica. I actually heard one of them express in the name of "respect" of others that they believed in God the Father of all and in Jesus his son, but they were not comfortable with the Way, the Truth and the Life bit. Ok, to be fair, they didn't really comment on that last part, but when I brought it up they acted as if they'd never heard of it! As if to be Christian was just their own personal angle on getting through the day and not based in any actual reality at all. I say -let the Italian Judge decide - what a hysterical apologetic FOR Christ that would be - "Why do you believe such a ridiculous thought as Christ's death and resurrection?" the non-believer asks and we say "Well, in 2006 an Italian Judge said it was so!" Or the converse - Oh, since an Italian Judge denied it, away it must go! Dutch Judges don't take issue with recreational drugs, doesn't change their nature any! (the drugs, not the judges)