Thursday, January 05, 2006

"It ain't my fault"

I try not to write about "what happened today" but this takes the cake and really shows the victim mentality of our society.

Today, I passed out the paychecks where I work. I gave one to every one in my department. One woman came to me fuming claiming that I either had stolen her check or simply not given it to her. I assured her that I gave her the check and proceeded to spend the next half hour searching her desk with her for it. There was no appreciation because somehow it was my fault that this check was missing.

After the search she said that she'd mailed 2 items to customers but was sure that she hadn't put her paycheck in with either of these mailings. I said I would check. She remembered the destination of one of the mailings because it was international but couldn't remember the second destination. I volunteered to go to our "mailroom" and look for these mailings. I found the international one, opened it and the check was not there.

I then began searching for some nondescript mailing going to I don't know where. Well wouldn't you know it, I found it. I opened a "mailing" and there was her check. Apu was there when I found it. He was amazed! "The force is strong with this one!" He said. He was astonished that I new which "mailing" to look in. Frankly, so was I!

I brought it to her desk and she said, "Oh thank you so much! I don't' know what I would have done if it had been sent to our customer! You are a life saver! Thank you thank you thank you!"

Oh, wait... No she didn't!

She said this: "Marc, next time: on my keyboard. I never saw it! It was almost mailed to a customer." Yeah, like it was my fault that she picked up her check, packed it in an "envelope" and sent it to the "mailroom" to be mailed to our customers! It was somehow justification that I found it, because if I hadn't, boy was I gonna get it!

Hello! I didn't have to bring your check to your desk! I didn't have to waste an hour of my time searching your desk and then the entire "Mailroom" for the "mailings" that you "stuffed!" Take some responsibility!

Oh, and you can get your own check next time!

There ain't no "just my opinion" here! This is just the facts!

1 comment:

tek1024 said...

Ah, well. Someday, she'll get hers. :D What a royal pain in the neck.