Monday, January 30, 2006

Wicked Short Rants

Super Bowl XL: Does anyone care?

I am so sick of Cindy Sheehan!! I hope she runs for office so that 1 of 2 things will happen: 1) She losses miserably and shrinks away from public life. 2) She wins and proves that losing a son in a war and stomping around the country like an idiot protesting everything you can find doesn't make you qualified to hold a public office!

Well, what do you know? Theo returns and the Red Sox do something that I agree with! Welcome to the Sox Coco!

The Democrats are discussing filibustering Alito's confirmation in the Senate. They claim that they are afraid that Alito will tip the scales to the right. Yeah, right, maybe if he gets 4 votes all his own! That's fine, Dems, filibuster and continue to prove that you are completely out of touch with the common person!

My Oscar prediction: Brokeback gets way more nominations than it deserves including a representative in five of the seven major categories: Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Screenplay, Best Director, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, and Best Picture. Even though no other romance has ever gotten such distinction. (That's because they were all romances about a man and a woman...)

Hillary Clinton thinks she can win a presidential election. Apparently that's only if people in "blue states" are allowed to vote. Perhaps you remember her calling republicans "plantation owners." Yeah: Back to the drawing board Hillary.

The Red Sox have moved their Friday Night game to NESN. Now there are no free Red Sox games on TV, you must have cable/satellite to watch. Restaurants are pleased with this: For the price of a drink, I get a game. Pay for baseball on TV? You can't be serious! The new slogan: "The Red Sox: The team of the elite!" Not that it matters. I don't really care about this season anyway (though the Crisp deal is tugging me back...)

Quick enough for ya? Well, they're all just my opinion!


tek1024 said...

Marc, I have to meet you in person someday, this side of heaven. We're both so vehemently opinionated (and right!), I think the space-time continuum would collapse around our having merely shaken hands.

Marc said...

Well, what do you know? Brokeback has walked away with the most nominations this year with 8! Here they are:

Best Actor *
Best Supporting Actor *
Best Supporting Actress *
Best Director *
Best Cinematography
Best Adapted Screenplay *
Best Original Score
Best Picture *

* The majors that I predicted it would be nominated for!

I said 5, it got 6. Probably would have gotten all 7 if a female had a leading role. Cinematography is up there too! So, really, this leftist piece of propaganda took home 7 nominations out of the 8 major categories!

Marc said...

How did the Passion of the Christ do again? I forget...

Anonymous said...

Hate to start this up again, but have you actually seen Brokeback Mountain yet?

I have no idea if it's leftist propaganda or not and I'm wondering if you really do this time around.

Marc said...

I have not seen the movie. I have read enough synopsis and reviews and plot explanations from both sides of the aisle to know what the movie is about.

Did you need to see "The Passion of the Christ" to know what it was about? What about "Fahrenheit 9/11?" Seems to me this is a fairly weak argument regarding a movie getting as much press as these have.

Anonymous said...

I'm making no argument other than that you shouldn't dismiss anything as propaganda until you can speak knowledgeably. I still haven't seen the Passion, so I'm in no position to denounce it, just as people who don't actually know the methods used in Fahrenheit have no real basis for criticism.

Marc said...

Well, I've seen two of the movies that have been listed in this post :)

I'll probably see Brokeback. I just don't wish to encourage Hollywood by purchasing a ticket for it. I'm sure my library will have it on DVD as soon as it comes out.

Marc said...

Congress person Wolsey gave Cindy Sheehan a ticket to the Presidential State of the Union Address.

Sheehan was arrested for wearing an anti-war t-shirt.

Can't we give her a city representative position so she believes she is doing something and we don't have to hear from her again?!