Friday, January 13, 2006

Think I'll have my horse meat in a PETA!

Once again PETA proves that in their view, the welfare of animals come before that of people. I proved this before regarding the Sierra Club and the levees in New Orleans, and now it's a pandemic effecting every major city in the nation.

What is it? PETA is requesting (which is how it always starts, then it moves to strongly requesting, then demanding, then protesting, then paint and other semi-violent acts...(in fact they are already protesting in some areas, holding signs with pictures of an incident from 1997)) that all major cities in America ban the horse-drawn carriages that give tourists and lovers a like gentle, soothing, aroma filled rides through the city. This is in response to an incident in NYC where a horse bolted, was hit by a car, and had to be put down. No people were injured in this incident. PETA also cites two other occurrences, one from last October and one from 1997. Clearly, this is a major issue! There have been 3 newsworthy events in nine years! Imagine if we had the same concern for people in this manner! There have been at least three deaths in youth sports in the past nine years (one football player, one basketball player, and one cheerleader) so let's ban youth sports. I've heard of three dogs attacking people in the recent past (well within nine years!). So for the peoples' safety, dog owning is now outlawed.

Ok, so we all see how ridiculous this is, but let me get to why I'm really steamed: This is a livelihood for some people. Here are some people trying to make ends meet by sitting behind a stink machine all day! Let's say these people own the horses. If the carriages are banned, now they have a massive expense and no way to generate income with it! So PETA would rather see thousands of people struggling to shelter, clothe, and feed their families than a few horses get injured on the job!

One of the major theses of the book "Guns, Germs, and Steel" is that the reason Europe advanced technologically much quicker than other regions is because of their use of large mammals. Large mammals in the Americas were killed off and eaten as opposed to being utilized as a work force and were primarily ignored in Africa. Boy, it's a good thing PETA didn't exist then or I'd have no internet to write this on!

Look, PETA, once we've got a society where we have nothing more to worry about regarding people, then we can start concerning ourselves with the animals. Until then, why don't you all just sing "Born Free" to your selves, m'k?

All of this is "just my opinion" but I think it's the right opinion!


Marc said...

Just so you know, sometimes I can't tell when you are being sarcastic :)

tek1024 said...

Loved the article. Hilariously infuriating, because it's so true.

james said...

Not regarding this particular post, but your citation of the Sierra Club as caring more for animals than people is a conclusion ill-drawn. As a member of the Sierra Club, I can assure you that you've over reacted.

Just think 'canary in a coal mine.'