Saturday, January 07, 2006

Warning: Sports Rants

If you don't read my sports rants be sure to catch a new non-sports post just below this one: Italian Judge.

Sportsline: Madison, Wisconsin. I'm driving down route 15 north in the attractive city of Madison. The rental car we've received was clearly prepared for us because when we started the car for the first time the radio was already set on the sports station! And what did I hear this Madison based radio station discussing? The Red Sox recent signing of J.T. Snow. That's right! Wisconsin is discussing the Red Sox! Gotta love it!

Sportsline: Boston Red Sox. So the Red Sox have signed J.T. Snow to a 1 year 2 million dollar contract. I was excited for this for a few hours till I checked out his stats. He has a slugging percentage of less than .400! Hello! Earth to Larry, the corner positions are the power positions! Well, I guess their thoughts are that it's about the same production as Millar for 1/2 the price. Oh, did I mention that the Madison radio station was saying that the Red Sox have really slid in this off season and they can't see how they could pull out anything higher than 3rd!

Sportsline: Boston Red Sox. Once again there is more attention on Manny Ramirez. ESPN reported that he wanted to stay, now MLB is reporting that Manny's agent said that Manny didn't make those comments. Who do we believe? Here's what I think: Manny doesn't want to leave. Manny's agent does want gobs of cash and therefore is saying that Manny wants to be traded and have the options on his contract accepted. Prediction: Manny's in left and Fillion's not in Fenway come April.

Sportsline: New England Patriots. I just want to say that I really hope that they are able to be the only team ever to win three Super Bowls in a row. I think that the best way for them to do this is for Cincinnati to defeat Pittsburgh so that the Patriots play Indianapolis in week 2 of the playoffs. With a win in Indy under their belt their confidence would be so pumped that they should be able to waltz into Mile High and beat Denver. We all know that it doesn't matter who goes to Detroit, the AFC team is walking out the Champion. Let's hope it's the Patriots!


tchittom said...
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tchittom said...

Blogging in the AM from the ROAD -- I'd like to be the first to say that I predicted it would happen sooner or later. I'm so proud of you! :)

Marc said...

First, I was in a different time zone so don't think it was as late there as it was in the Eastern Time zone. Second: It was a Friday Night, not Saturday morning.

Phbptbghptgh :P