Thursday, January 12, 2006

Kennedy shows his colors

"It deals with the fundamental issues of equality and discrimination." - Senior Senator Edward "I didn't kill anyone" Kennedy regarding a club that Samuel Alito (Pronounced A-lee-toe by most people, pronounced Ah-lee-o-toe by the distinguish Senator Kennedy) joined while he was in college.

The group was called the owl. It was a conservative group. Samuel Alito joined this group after the building for the previous group he was in was fire-bombed. He was a member of the ROTC and the people who are all for equality and peace fire-bombed the ROTC's building. Judge Alito joined the owl because they dedicated themselves to protesting violence as an avenue to peace, specifically the attack on the ROTC.

Now, Senator Kennedy is demanding that certain unknown details about Jugde Alito's membership in this club be presented to the committee because "It deals with the fundamental issues of equality and discrimination." You see, Senator Kennedy wants to discriminate against Judge Alito because he's a conservative. The Senator wants equality for all politicians that were created Democrats.

I have to laugh when people who are so clearly biased and discriminatory claim that they are for equality! Why do they get away with this? Because for some reason it's ok to be biased against Republicans, conservatives, the military, and religious people. But if the discrimination were reversed and a conservative were being openly biased against a liberal he or she is labeled as a hater. As one who continues the practices of the the right in judging and discriminating.

When Kennedy said, "It deals with the fundamental issues of equality and discrimination." I wanted the Republican Chair of the committee to say, "Then why, Senator Kennedy, are you choosing to discriminate against this man for his beliefs? Does he not deserve the same equality your are pontificating about right now?" What would he say then?!

I'm so glad that Kennedy has announced that he will serve only one more term! Then Massachusetts will no longer be held hostage by this liberal-my-parents-gave-me-everything-and-I'm-above-the-law "distinguished" Senator! (On a side note, this is the same man who voted to raise a certain tax that hit Massachusetts hard that he then circumvented by illegally claiming residence in another state where the tax didn't apply. I feel so represented!)

But that's just my opinion!

1 comment:

Marc said...

Thank you janitors. I agree with you almost completely.

(what's CAP?)