Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A Milestone

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the 100th post on my blog! When a milestone like this is reached, it's time for a look back at some of the best "Just my opinion" moments. So, like a self inflated sitcom, here are some of our most memorable moments:

The First Episode
There's nothing like the pilot! Here's a taste of that first post:

"I desire to spur people to action or anger. I intend for this blog to be a place for me to vent my political rantings, movie reviews, theological viewpoints, and general ramblings and epiphanies about life. Yes, I'll stumble into the "today I went to the zoo..." habit. Hopefully those will be recorded due to their instigation of some phenomenal personal enlightenment.

Today, I started a blog."

"Today I..."
Twice thus far I've found myself chronicling my daily happenings. I think, they were quite memorable:

The Wiffleball Incident

"this is no regular whiffle ball with the four slots on one side made of somewhat soft plastic. No no. This is someone's cruel idea of a whiffle ball. This is made of industrial plastic. There are not slots and there is no give to this ball. It is solid!

Then [the Queen of Hearts] throws me a perfect pitch. Right across the numbers-right across the plate! I crack that pitch on a frozen rope right up the middle. You guessed it:

Think "Matt Clement."

I nailed the Queen of Hearts right on the forehead! After taking a knee, shook it off. She got up and said, "I know you didn't mean it. This kinda thing happens. Can you imagine what Matt Clement experienced?" I asked if she'd be afraid to play again. "No." was her simple answer!

What a woman! What a wife!"

You've really got to read the other in its entirety to fully understand it. I simply can't excerpt this one: It Ain't My Fault!

Recurring Characters
These topics have appeared so often that it would have been difficult to link them all, but here are some of the rants that appear most often on "Just My Opinion:"

Cindy Sheehan
Movie Reviews
The "Liberal" Media
Hurricane Katrina
Um... Sports!

Memorable Moments
And now, a few paragraphs from my favorite posts:

The Gaza Giveaway

"The Israelis have nearly completed the evacuation of the Gaza strip that they have held for over 38 years. It was very touching that the Palestinian leadership sent a nice thank you note with some flowers. They even went so far as to send a box of matzah to the Israeli Prime minister. Many Palestinians have offered to have the former Gaza residents over for dinner anytime they want to visit their old stomping grounds.

Oh, wait. No. No, I'm wrong, they didn't.

They are also upset that, while the Israelis destroyed all of the houses that they willingly fled from, they left the synagogues standing. They're upset about this? Isn't this like leaving a three year old in a room filled with houses of cards? Imagine his glee as he knocks over one after another. Stomping on one like Godzilla, and sneezing another over like Superman!"

The Right to Mooch Off of my Fellow Citizen

"Here is my belief: The great depression. More specifically: The New Deal. The New Deal softly guided us into a place where we were reliant on the federal government. I won't go so far as to say that the federal government caused the depression, but
their solution of how to get the nation out of it caused people to expect certain things from that ruling body.

This, of course, was brilliant. I'm sure we've heard that the end goal of those in power is to stay in power (Caesar Augustus and George Washington being the only two people that I can think of who don't fit that mold). So here was an opportunity for
the government to create a mindset of need, of perceived indispensability of the federal government: We can't live without it!"

Intolerance of the Tolerant

"Think about this: If these people were truly tolerant, they would not know what they were being tolerant of! Why? Because they wouldn't even notice it! Is anyone "tolerant" of women in the workplace? NO! Why not? Because there is no need to be "tolerant:" There is nothing wrong with it! The mere fact that people claim to be tolerant shows that they inherently know there is something wrong with what they are tolerating! But someone mentioning God... they won't tolerate that!"

Two of Three Random Rants

"I wanna know what the ACLU will do when someone finally discovers that the word "Holiday" is a compound word consisting of "Holy" and "Day"? Happy Seculaday.

AOL: Amish Online. A 75 year old Amish widower was bilked out of over $65,000 because a he was afraid that his church community would discover that he'd gone to a prostitute. The prostitute said that if he didn't pay her money that pictures of
their "interaction" would appear on the internet. The internet? Alright, so this Amish man not only thought that people from his parish would not only be on the internet, but he also thought they'd locate the pornographic photographs he was featured in!

Anybody else see something wrong there?

But wait, it gets better. The prostitute was caught when the Amish man's deacon came up with a scheme. The next time she demanded money, the deacon went with our widower and they got her to admit what the money was for: Blackmail. Here's the kicker: The deacon was wearing a small digital camera with a wireless transmitter! When did the Amish find technology?! Something just ain't right there!"

Here's one that I couldn't excerpt: Bears or People

And my personal favorite:

The ACLfUture

"The ACLU jumps in when people are "offended" (or when it's against the church. Ie: the teacher in the private Catholic school who got pregnant and then got fired for violating the statement of conduct that she signed. They jumped all over that one
(although, they are secretly ill over the fact that this unmarried woman is actually keeping the baby!))

Well let's see what people are offended by: The British-Americans are offended by our calling potato chips "chips." European-Americans are offended by our calling American Football "Football." Chinese-Americans are offended by what we call "Chinese food." So what does our future look like?

"Oh my! I was on my cooshy long chair (People named Sophia are offended at the name Sofa) watching 11 grown men in close fitting uniforms throw each other on the ground ("Football" is no longer a legal name). In fact it was the Washington Aboriginal Americans (Can't say Redskins) vs the Oakland Counter Cultural Seafaring Alternative Money Getters (Raiders is certainly out!). I was eating some thinly sliced deep fried potato slices (can't use "chips") when I started to asphyxiate! (New York Yankees fans have patented the term "Choke") I called the emergency number (Families of the victims of 9/11 sued) and some EMTs (for some reason, no one is upset about that one) from the hospital that is named after the person affiliated with the church (The names of saints are no longer allowed to be spoken) came to help. They administered the Heim maneuver (Heimlich was too German offending WWII veterans and survivors of the holocaust) and I could breath again! Afterwards, they commented on my holiday decorations, my inflatable snowpeople (no more "snowmen") and my lifesized Big Red Suited Gift Giver (Santa Claus was originally St. Nick... The church is a no-no!)""

Closing Amazing Moment
They always close the "flashback" shows with that one amazing moment. Like the "Magic Loogi" from Seinfeld, or the "Jazz Lipsinc" from the Cosby show. Well, here's that moment from "Just My Opinion:"

Posted October 11th, before the teams who would play in the World Series had even been determined:

"Well, MLB saw to it that they wouldn't do it again [that certain teams would win the series]. If my theory is true. Neither series ends before game 6. The World Series is White Sox vs Astros and the White Sox win in 7."

Well, one series went 7 the other 5 and it was the White Sox over the Astros in 5. That's quite a prediction!

Thanks for joining us on this stroll down memory lane. I hope you'll join us for the next 100 posts on "Just My Opinion".


Anonymous said...

Congrats, Marc! Keep cranking out those posts...here's to another hundred! *cheers*

Marc said...

Another honorary mention: